A few days a go a Young man was attacked in my home town as he was walking back from a night out back to his home! He was attacked by five men in their 20s because they wanted his money! And I heard of another unprovoked attack of a woman in her car only 15 miles from where I live! The attacker rammed her from behind in his car. She was in shock and while she was in her car the man punched her and took all her money!
I know crime is an all too real occurrence and it really makes me sad in disbelief, of how these individuals have no morals in attacking innocent people!
I believe we have a right to go about out daily business without the fear of violence against us! A while ago a British farmer was jailed for manslaughter of a burglar! He had shot one of the perpetrators dead and the other was injured! He had been burgled on many occasions but I think The Police had failed to act!
I myself was attacked when i was 17 but I think I was lucky because my instincts kicked in and I ran. The men who attacked me did not even leave a mark on me which was very lucky. I felt very afraid but atleast my fear helped me escape with my life!
Whenever I go out with my friends, there are always a lot of Police presence in the city centre, so I suppose I should feel safer! But you cannot guarantee that in the club I'm in there won't be any violence, because alcohol has a habit of fueling aggressive behaviour! I try to make myself aware fo my suuroundings and perceptive of any odd characters!
With all this going on its amazing I even step out of my house to go out, but but that would be futile, because I have to work and earn money for all sorts of things! Anyway crimes can happen in one's home aswell!
Sorry to ramble on, just something I had to get off my chest!
You will also have seen I posted a thread entitled "Fear" which I guess is related to this!
I know crime is an all too real occurrence and it really makes me sad in disbelief, of how these individuals have no morals in attacking innocent people!
I believe we have a right to go about out daily business without the fear of violence against us! A while ago a British farmer was jailed for manslaughter of a burglar! He had shot one of the perpetrators dead and the other was injured! He had been burgled on many occasions but I think The Police had failed to act!
I myself was attacked when i was 17 but I think I was lucky because my instincts kicked in and I ran. The men who attacked me did not even leave a mark on me which was very lucky. I felt very afraid but atleast my fear helped me escape with my life!
Whenever I go out with my friends, there are always a lot of Police presence in the city centre, so I suppose I should feel safer! But you cannot guarantee that in the club I'm in there won't be any violence, because alcohol has a habit of fueling aggressive behaviour! I try to make myself aware fo my suuroundings and perceptive of any odd characters!
With all this going on its amazing I even step out of my house to go out, but but that would be futile, because I have to work and earn money for all sorts of things! Anyway crimes can happen in one's home aswell!
Sorry to ramble on, just something I had to get off my chest!
You will also have seen I posted a thread entitled "Fear" which I guess is related to this!