This isn't another of the mental tai sabaki or tongue fu threads. It's more about being able to verbalize what you need to in order to be able to teach a technique. I'm sure that most of us prefer to demo a technique and have our students feel and see what's going on but there are times when that just isn't feasible. I've had injuries that precluded training for awhile and it's looking like my instructor may have to have knee surgery which will put him out for awhile. I, and other senior students, will be available to him to demo technique as needed but he will still have to verbalize what's going on. He has a real talent for finding the right words for each student and I have found that over time I am getting better able at "talking" someone through a technique as well. Is this something that just happens over time or is there a way to teach this skill? I have found that my techniques have a tendency to really "click" for me when I'm trying to explain them to another student.