still learning
Senior Master
Hello, Please ask if you do not have these training? The purpose of martial arts is learn self-defense and gain self-confidence. To reach a point where one becomes self aware of one self as not to get into any trouble.
Do you learn anything about how to handle verbal confrontations and how to avoid or diffuse or descalated possible explosive situtions.
Verbal Judo (book) is a good start, as well as many others like it.
I like some of the things they do in "Toastmaster" form of critiquing others. They begin by saying something positive before getting to the negative part.
Do you have verbal training to defuse situtions and how? ........Aoha
Do you learn anything about how to handle verbal confrontations and how to avoid or diffuse or descalated possible explosive situtions.
Verbal Judo (book) is a good start, as well as many others like it.
I like some of the things they do in "Toastmaster" form of critiquing others. They begin by saying something positive before getting to the negative part.
Do you have verbal training to defuse situtions and how? ........Aoha