Utility or Surveillance?

We're watching all of you. But, it's okay, we're from the government and we're here to help. We know what's best for our people even if they, themselves, don't realize it.
Alot of that depends on the cell phone itself and the carrier. There are some phones I can tell what room of a house a phone is sitting in other times and carriers I may be able to fine out what county he is on if Im lucky. Ive gotten hits as close as 2 meters and as far as 3000+.

Oh, yeah... Some are really accurate. Then there was the time that the ping led us to 1103 Some Street... one of a series of duplex houses. The target was actually in the adjoining house! (Yeah, someone was NOT happy when they were woken up by a heavily armed police unit, and were nowhere near the suspect's description.)

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