Datu Hartman teams up with Game Changers Intl.

James Miller

Purple Belt
Datu Hartman teams up with Game Changers Intl.

I hope this email finds you well and prospering toward your goals.
I'm happy to announce FMA Skills & Drills—an all-new video series consisting of fun and effective Filipino martial arts classroom drills designed to help you add value to your school.
Our expert presenter is my good friend, Datu Tim Hartman, president of the World Modern Arnis Alliance. As you'll discover, he is one of the most knowledgeable, talented and articulate Filipino martial arts teachers you'll ever find. And this is why he's in such demand—on the road nearly every week, conducting seminars for schools of every kind throughout the world.
At the same time, Datu advocates tradition with innovation. So it's no surprise his Horizon Martial Arts studio located in Buffalo, New York is one of the most successful and progressive Filipino martial arts schools in the country. This is why I once featured him in Martial Arts Professional Magazine, back when I was running NAPMA. He's a great role model when it comes to the power of embracing healthy change.

But there's something else you should know about Datu Hartman. He's a giver, not a taker, which is why he's graciously spearheading this awesome new drills series exclusively for the GCI audience.
Regardless of what style of martial arts you teach, I encourage you to watch Datu Hartman's GCI segments each month.

  • [FONT=&amp]Maybe his material can be implemented into your school as exciting new class curriculum, practical self-defense material or powerful upgrade program content.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&amp]Perhaps it can be used in your seminars, special events or demonstrations. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=&amp]Maybe it can help you increase product sales, enrollments or retention. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=&amp]Or, perhaps it will help you diversify your own skill set as a martial arts practitioner. [/FONT]
If nothing more—I'm introducing you to a phenomenal Filipino martial arts master with whom you can network, or bring-in to host quality revenue generating seminars for your students.
Segments one and two have been posted to the GCI Member's Area for you to view.

Yours in the Arts,
Rob Colasanti
President, GCI

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