USAT Thoughts


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I have been following everything with the USAT over the last two years like agreat movie, I would never dare to change the channel afraid I may miss something.

Let's see over the last two years every single rule has been changed to suit some people mainly David Askinas and his good ole bays. They continue to belittle people and have no regards to the members or even the coaches and instructors that have help build the USAT. The referee's cannot stand the org anymore, but yet here we are at the most extreme part of the continue growth of TKD in the states and yet nothing has been done, WHY? Simple people are affraid to stand up and be heard, they will not stop going and supporting aNGB that is totally out of control. Lawsuite after lawsuite has been filed and waiting to be heard, people keep saying they are going done but yet here they are doing the same old same old. When will it end never plan and simple, the masses will ***** grip and complain but yet they never speak out against those that are ruining the art and sport I love.

I believe until the people get up and make waves nobody and I mean nobody will change anything. Will we ever have a NGB that really stands for fair play and really care about the development of TKD. Most likely no, will we have a voice with the USAT differently NO, can we survive with a NGB like this HELL no. So I ask each and everyone of you that complain and ***** and are feed up with the USAT to send in letters to the USOC and USAT to let them know how bad they are doing.

If you are happy and can see a clear path that is for the betterment of TKD here in the states than post those views and open up those eye's that cannot see what you are seeing either way we need to come together for the betterment of our athletes and coaches as wellas USA TKD.
I believe until the people get up and make waves nobody and I mean nobody will change anything. Will we ever have a NGB that really stands for fair play and really care about the development of TKD. Most likely no, will we have a voice with the USAT differently NO, can we survive with a NGB like this HELL no. So I ask each and everyone of you that complain and ***** and are feed up with the USAT to send in letters to the USOC and USAT to let them know how bad they are doing.

Well, people did that, they complained loudly and voiced their "opinions" about all the things that they thought were wrong about the USTU. The USOC, under Executive Director Jim Scherr, used that to radically change the bylaws in an effort to get rid of all of the Korean born members, which worked. But now, seven years later, those who complained the loudest realized that USAT is ten times, a hundred times, a thousands times WORSE than the USTU ever was. So now people are just quiet and don't want to say anything, because I think they understand that they and their uninformed zealous complaining, made it worse.
I'm with you Terry. Unfortunately my knowledge of history says that the easiest kind of unity to achieve is unity against a bad authority, whether it's an annoying substitute teacher in 7th grade or Mohammar Ghaddafi. I'm not suggesting NATO airstrikes on USAT HQ, but the question of what to replace it with is a valid one.

Is it even possible for there to be an NGB in an olympic sport than isn't consumed by divisive politics and drama? From what I hear of other sports, I'm not so sure.

Well, people did that, they complained loudly and voiced their "opinions" about all the things that they thought were wrong about the USTU. The USOC, under Executive Director Jim Scherr, used that to radically change the bylaws in an effort to get rid of all of the Korean born members, which worked. But now, seven years later, those who complained the loudest realized that USAT is ten times, a hundred times, a thousands times WORSE than the USTU ever was. So now people are just quiet and don't want to say anything, because I think they understand that they and their uninformed zealous complaining, made it worse.

Glen I would have to agree with you and sadly we are stuck with this mess....:asian:
Is it even possible for there to be an NGB in an olympic sport than isn't consumed by divisive politics and drama? From what I hear of other sports, I'm not so sure.

Out of interest, does anyone know how the Korean Taekwondoin population feel about the KTA?
USAT Thoughts: If you don't like them (and none of you seem to) then put your money where your mouth is and don't renew.

USAT Thoughts: If you don't like them (and none of you seem to) then put your money where your mouth is and don't renew.


Daniel The majority of my people are AAU, we have a few that has to attend USAT because they might have a chance at the Olympics so they are stuck. They are the NGB for the US so the few have no choices, now with that being said membership is down about 70% and they are in a world of hurt. I have to have a membership so I can coach my three players at the events does not mean I support them because otherwise I would have 80 people as member.
Daniel The majority of my people are AAU, we have a few that has to attend USAT because they might have a chance at the Olympics so they are stuck. They are the NGB for the US so the few have no choices, now with that being said membership is down about 70% and they are in a world of hurt. I have to have a membership so I can coach my three players at the events does not mean I support them because otherwise I would have 80 people as member.
My comment was directed to the general you, not you specifically, but much as I hate to say it, if you maintain your membership, you are supporting them, whether you feel that you do or not.

Same goes for anyone who sticks with them for a shot at making the US olympic team. Same goes for competing in USAT events.

If you have decided that medals and titles are worth funding a corrupt organization, then maintain your memberships, accept that you are going to stick with USAT come what may and be satisfied with your decision.

The complaints that board members make about the organization have not changed since I joined this board. There are no less than a hundred threads discussing the stated of USAT. You and the others are obviously bothered by their conduct and seem to be completely miserable in your association with them. Sometimes you just need to shop elsewhere.

And the olympics seem to be a poor reason to be involved with them, given that all of you seem to feel that the team trials are all fixed.

I mean you no disrespect, Terry, but staying with them seems a bit masochistic.

My comment was directed to the general you, not you specifically, but much as I hate to say it, if you maintain your membership, you are supporting them, whether you feel that you do or not.

Same goes for anyone who sticks with them for a shot at making the US olympic team. Same goes for competing in USAT events.

If you have decided that medals and titles are worth funding a corrupt organization, then maintain your memberships, accept that you are going to stick with USAT come what may and be satisfied with your decision.

The complaints that board members make about the organization have not changed since I joined this board. There are no less than a hundred threads discussing the stated of USAT. You and the others are obviously bothered by their conduct and seem to be completely miserable in your association with them. Sometimes you just need to shop elsewhere.

And the olympics seem to be a poor reason to be involved with them, given that all of you seem to feel that the team trials are all fixed.

I mean you no disrespect, Terry, but staying with them seems a bit masochistic.


Daniel I have known you for a long time on the board and appreciate all the input you always give. You are right even though we only support with those few we still support them, but you say find somewhere else and guess what, I have. Since my wife family is Peurto Rican we can go though them and the President of the PR association would love for my son Zachary to come train and be under there banner, so we are and will be. She has been in communication with them since the US Open and have worked out the detail not sure if he will ever make an Olympic team but atleast we will not need the USAT for it anymore. We will not be doing the Arlington Qualifier now and will spend our money going back in forth to PR with family and friends. I guess my chapter with USAT is over until something is done.
I only started to voice my complaints when the USAT came into control, it was clear to me what was happening the minute that Herb was granted a contract that no one wanted. It was clear to me that when I sent the information to the USOC that the contract was signed by a company that was terminated they were part of the deal when they did nothing!
I am not so sure this really was about the USTU being corrupt or the Koreans. I will always believe this was personal issues with a selected few that wanted power and had people at the USOC that helped with that. Looking back everything they blamed on the Koreans, they are now struggling to go back to the same ways. Think about why would we come up with a remediation plan that (Jeff Benz was part of) , then turn around 6 years later and have Jeff Benz come up with his reconstruction plan. The idea of the remediation was prevent the issues from returning yet the recontruction does just that.

This was nothing more than Greed by a selected few and they care nothing about the sport other than using the Name and title to promote themselves and their schools.
With many of those people gone from the USOC they do not have the backing any longer. Things will change, I am not sure they will ever be perfect nothing ever is. However anything would be a step up than what we have now. We need a Board that can operate and not be controlled.
I only started to voice my complaints when the USAT came into control, it was clear to me what was happening the minute that Herb was granted a contract that no one wanted.

So you had no complaints about how things were run under the USTU?

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