Usat in trouble

One last thing the USAT is not in trouble because nothing has happen yet, peole are making assumption they are in trouble if this or that comes out but to be honest some things are so old nobody cares anymore, this problem should have been address at the time and not years later. Why can't any of these so called alligation come forwardf and sue the living crap out of them because nobody wants to take that step into the court room and destoy the Olympics all together.

Your right it has been along time but attorneys are involved now and nobody cares? past and present people who have been abused including parents do care. To say more now is bad planning but see in 90 days. Beyond current cases to be filed best efforts are being made so that others can come forward with out fear of retrobution its not about USAT or the Olympics anymore its about helping the abused have thier day in court so they can go on with thier lives.

Master Dan until I and everyone else see's something in court it is still hearsay, I know some involved and I believe alot of what has been done but and this is a big but. USAT and the whole lot are not worried about anything because they believe nothing is ever going to happen. I wish the best to all involved but at the sametime we need to understand as of this moment nothing has happen for the USAT to be worried or in trouble.
USAT must be worried. The BOD voted unanimously to terminate Denise Coyle's membership and my lifetime membership. I feel honored that I bother them that much. They also removed Larry Cain from N&G. What are they afraid of?
USAT must be worried. The BOD voted unanimously to terminate Denise Coyle's membership and my lifetime membership. I feel honored that I bother them that much. They also removed Larry Cain from N&G. What are they afraid of?

SO much for the lifetime...
tsk tsk tsk, I guess thy have gotten motion sick from you rocking the boat! :lol:
USAT must be worried. The BOD voted unanimously to terminate Denise Coyle's membership and my lifetime membership. I feel honored that I bother them that much. They also removed Larry Cain from N&G. What are they afraid of?

Soooo..... basically you now have to pay the spectator fee at USAT events??????? :jaw-dropping:
So if you complain they throw you out without recourse.

Don't they have to follow some sort of due process!

This does not seem like a very good strategy. It would seem that this opens them up to some legal liability.
So if you complain they throw you out without recourse.

Don't they have to follow some sort of due process!

This does not seem like a very good strategy. It would seem that this opens them up to some legal liability.

Hmm, from what she told they don't really care too much with the long as the twitter connection is up...:-popcorn:
So if you complain they throw you out without recourse.

Don't they have to follow some sort of due process!

This does not seem like a very good strategy. It would seem that this opens them up to some legal liability.

Read Denise's letter. They don't say who, what or exactly what the complaint is - and we will see what happens. I look at others who post more than opinions and they didn't touch the men :) Discrimination?
So if you complain they throw you out without recourse.

Don't they have to follow some sort of due process!

This does not seem like a very good strategy. It would seem that this opens them up to some legal liability.

Why should they handle this any differently than anything else. Read the minutes of the last meeting, a vote before roll call, the parlamentarian making motions?
True -and I can't file complaints against them for them to ignore. It won't change anything I do.

Read Denise's letter. They don't say who, what or exactly what the complaint is - and we will see what happens. I look at others who post more than opinions and they didn't touch the men :) Discrimination?

Why should they handle this any differently than anything else. Read the minutes of the last meeting, a vote before roll call, the parlamentarian making motions?

I admire your fighting spirit, but doesn't it get boring to tilt the same old windmills?

I don't mean that as critique, since that is pretty much how I operate, once I decide to go for it, I pretty much dig in, but I have not found a cause worthy of taking this kind of abuse!
I admire your fighting spirit, but doesn't it get boring to tilt the same old windmills?

I don't mean that as critique, since that is pretty much how I operate, once I decide to go for it, I pretty much dig in, but I have not found a cause worthy of taking this kind of abuse!

yes it gets old. first lesson i learned in tkd is indomitable spirit, followed by conviction of ultimate victory.
I've been following the chatter for a while... I find it amazing that NOTHING happens. NOTHING.
I guess that is the sorry part about the internet.
Even though it is out there seems like people still don't give it enough credit as they would, say, a printed news paper article.

Not to mention it is hard to put a face to a screen name (Unlike Master Rhonda, many of us don't put the name to our word, for various reasons, most of them good)

I for one would not know to whom to send a letter to asking for an investigation. Lets face it, with all the money connected to the Olympics, TKD is a baby guppy in the mix. But it does give the national pride a black eye when illegal things happen under the cover of the 5 rings...nobody likes the peace doves replaced with a vulture.
I admire your fighting spirit, but doesn't it get boring to tilt the same old windmills?

I don't mean that as critique, since that is pretty much how I operate, once I decide to go for it, I pretty much dig in, but I have not found a cause worthy of taking this kind of abuse!

Would you step in and risk your life to save a child from being beat or raped? Yes? No? What is the difference in this case and not just TKD the Olympics as well. I think based on who the attorneys are, time and money it will be interesting to see how it works out.

If conventional means do not work in the near short run unconventional means will be all that is left?
Would you step in and risk your life to save a child from being beat or raped? Yes? No? What is the difference in this case and not just TKD the Olympics as well. I think based on who the attorneys are, time and money it will be interesting to see how it works out.

If conventional means do not work in the near short run unconventional means will be all that is left?

I do a lot of things that are not well thought out. I think the problem here is that I commented on the abuse Master Rhonda was subjecting herself to. Abuse of minors (or flat out rape) is another kettle of fish.

I can comment on the faulty precedings of the organization. The criminal accusations are out of my hands.
I am not quiet sure what your point is. Bolding your posts or using caps lock does make you shout and hard to read.
I think you are mixing 2 distinct problems together. As many have stated, the abuse, mental or physical, of the minor athlete is beyond despicable. hands down, no questions asked. But as 3rd party there is only so much one can do, especially if the 'alleged' abuse happened in the past. That is for the lawyers to sort out.

The abuse of power in the administrative area is something else all together.
But everybody has it's thresh hold on pain at a different level, how much do you take before you retreat from a fight?
For me, it is easy. I am not, have not and won't be a member of that club. I sit back and wonder. In a sick way it makes my own (old) organization look pretty good and trust me, it's been a rough road for them, too.
I admire master Rhonda for keeping on keeping on. Up until this final insult. If she has any repercussion? I have no idea. Does she have deep enough pockets to throw the big gauntlet out into the ring? I can't tell.
but what I can tell you is this: You can't win this fight on an internet forum. You will have to find the powers with the muscle to change things. You might be able to find sympathetic support here, but in essence, when things get this bad, you have to roll out the big guns.

Like I said, I don't quiet get your position on this. I greatly admire Master Rhonda for sticking with this quagmire for this long. Things seemt o come to a head, so I am sitting back and wait.
Your right on all points including not knowing everything and I can't say more with out jepordizing whats being done. There are things being prepared for an additional consulting council for special litagation outside of just helping the first round of athletes involved.

The costs for the personal councils have been covered but the additional council will have initial costs. I am waitiing to hear they have set up a fund possibly tax exempt so donations can be organized to support the initial retainer for the filing. When that happens I will help with advertising for the fund.

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