One last thing the USAT is not in trouble because nothing has happen yet, peole are making assumption they are in trouble if this or that comes out but to be honest some things are so old nobody cares anymore, this problem should have been address at the time and not years later. Why can't any of these so called alligation come forwardf and sue the living crap out of them because nobody wants to take that step into the court room and destoy the Olympics all together.
Your right it has been along time but attorneys are involved now and nobody cares? past and present people who have been abused including parents do care. To say more now is bad planning but see in 90 days. Beyond current cases to be filed best efforts are being made so that others can come forward with out fear of retrobution its not about USAT or the Olympics anymore its about helping the abused have thier day in court so they can go on with thier lives.
Master Dan until I and everyone else see's something in court it is still hearsay, I know some involved and I believe alot of what has been done but and this is a big but. USAT and the whole lot are not worried about anything because they believe nothing is ever going to happen. I wish the best to all involved but at the sametime we need to understand as of this moment nothing has happen for the USAT to be worried or in trouble.