I am very pleased to have this opportunity to attain a rank that is representative of my years of training and, hopefully, my Taekwondo history. I have submitted my application and am anxiously awaiting a reply.
I have read some profiles about members who received their black belts in 85, before I started training. I received my school black belt in 89 and my kukkiwon in 90. I have since owned a martial arts school for 9 years, trained provincial, national and international players and contributed to my community. I have my level 2 NCCP, which I believe has now changed, and my National Instructor certification. I also returned to school, after teaching Taekwondo in Korea for 6 months, to pursue my undergrad in education and am currently taking my bachelors or education. Unforutnatly I have experienced issues with testing, like a lot of you. I currently hold my 3rd Kukkiwon and have tried, on two separate occations, to get my 4th - and did not receive a certificate. So, I decided to go for it, and apply to test for my 6th dan. Part of my reasoning, if I had tested consistenty since 1990, since I have trained and taught consistently, I would be 4 years into my 6th. I know the rank does not change who I am or what kind of instructor I may be...but it is nice to have a rank that somewhat represents where you have been. I just want a chance to test - then passing is all up to me. In fact, I am so excited about the seminar and the potential testing...but only time will tell if it will become a reality.
I also left my instructor in 2000 - due to a difference in business philosophies. He was all business and I am not...and I had to eat, if you catch my drift.
Thanks for reading. Anyone else in the same boat as I, awaiting a reply?