USAT announces historic Kukkiwon special dan testing

From the USTA website:

"USAT and the Martial Arts Commission will promptly review the applications and submit them to Kukkiwon. Kukkiwon will issue notice of approval in time for travel arrangements to be made."

I took that to imply that the Kukkiwon had some process of approval. I have not talked to David Askinas about this specifice issue, so you may be correct.
I would kind of read that as KKW will make sure that the notices of approval, IF APPROVED, will go out with enough time to make travel plans. I'm not seeing it as "if you get your application turned in on time, we'll send you your approval so that you can buy your plane ticket." It's not clear, and can definitely be read either way. I hope it's the former, rather than a simple rubberstamp of anyone who submits an application.
I see a need for what they want to do but I've also encountered a few problems. I've already been contacted by some BB's that want to test and what I am finding is that many of them are just not reading the requirements, IE: rules and then following them. To do a basic test IE pretty simple. To do a skip Dan as so many want to do is where the problem lies. Unless the KKW relaxes the rules you must:

1st: have sufficient time in grade between the ranks to do the skip Dan. A 1st wanting to skip to 3rd would need at least 3 years since the date on his 1st Dan KKW certificate, not the date he tested but the actual date the certificate was issued. Most of the people contacting me don't have this. In fact one that wants his 6th has a KKW date of Jan, 2008, 10 months ago for his 4th Dan. He is not the exception, at least 5 others have I have talked to are in the same basic position.

2nd: They must have a good reason for the skip Dan. Saying you missed a test is not enough. They want to know why you missed the test and why you didn't make it up later. Believe me, they do read this stuff. Please don't use terms like "my master screwed me". You better have a paper trail and proof. Even that one is iffy so.....................

3. Your theses, it had better be good and it had better be on subject.

4. Your resume, just teaching class is not enough. What have you done for TKD and why should you get promoted? What classes have you attended, what classes have you given. Are you a certified instructor, in not, why not? It had better be good, solid and you better have proof to back up your claims.

5. Oral interview, been there and done that. Be prepared and I do mean be prepared. They will ask you about anything and everything so study up. What can you do to make TKD better, etc?

OK, so, that's it, go, have fun and I will see you there.
BTW, the pictures on my personal site are from left to right, SGM Hong Kong Kim, me, COB Ronda Sweet and SGM JP Choi. They will be the ones heading the USAT's MAC that is running this test. This is me being inducted into the MAC.
It just seems like another way to make a buck via promoting someone and keeping them in the fold.

I actually think it is a way of getting them into the fold....
So far they have started at TG #1 and gone up through all of them to the highest one required for whom ever is testing. It is a good seminar. Take water and snacks with you, it will be a very long day.

Be warned that the test itself normally starts out with you doing basic technique and goes up from there.

Basics-forms-breaking-sparring (Olympic style in full gear, have it with you)-interview.
For example, a 3d Dan seeking 7th Dan would pay fees only for 5th, 6th, and 7th Dan.

I can't even imagine going to my students and saying "Yes, I was a 3rd degree yesterday, but today I am a 7th degree."

I am not a tkd guy, so everyone can ignore what I am saying about this stuff, but I like #1. That is a clever idea for the Kukkiwon to pull in black belts from other tkd kwoons and make them a part of their org. That is a good idea.
Past that, there is so much stuff that bothers me that it makes me lose respect for that org. Skipping from 3-7th dan is a joke. Not having to be present to "test" for 1-3rd dan is one of the many reasons that the general public thinks that karate and tkd is a joke.
Seriously, this is sad.

I can't even imagine going to my students and saying "Yes, I was a 3rd degree yesterday, but today I am a 7th degree."

I am not a tkd guy, so everyone can ignore what I am saying about this stuff, but I like #1. That is a clever idea for the Kukkiwon to pull in black belts from other tkd kwoons and make them a part of their org. That is a good idea.
Past that, there is so much stuff that bothers me that it makes me lose respect for that org. Skipping from 3-7th dan is a joke. Not having to be present to "test" for 1-3rd dan is one of the many reasons that the general public thinks that karate and tkd is a joke.
Seriously, this is sad.

Gotta agree with you on this. I'm not saying outsiders are laughing at this situation but...
I think that this kind of testing opportunity was designed for people in situations like I found myself in.

I started out & got my 1st Dan KKW in 1985. Changed schools & tested for what was supposed to be 2nd Dan ITF in 1988. Continued to train at that school for a number of years until I discovered that my 2nd Dan ITF was bogus. While I still trained, I didn't test for 3rd Dan for 19 years after my last test due to mistrust & lack of opportunity: not lack of training.

There are plenty of folks like me who were told they had legit certs (in whatever org.) it was not the case. Many more folks have been given a cert. that they were told was KKW, but is not. All the while their instructor pocketed more money.

It seems as though they will examine the potential candidate's claims of training fairly well. While folks with questionanle training may slip through, it seems that one would still have to test up to par. A lot of effort would need to be expended just to take that chance.
Hey Iceman,
Would this opportunity to rank in the Kukkikwon be appropriate for you now?
Actually, when I read about the skip dan thing, I thought of a few people that it woud actually be a good thing for and you were one of them. I remember your story about the bogus ITF rank due to a shady instructor.
Are you considering using this event to further your rank or fix your rank to where it should be?

Hey Iceman,
Would this opportunity to rank in the Kukkikwon be appropriate for you now?
Actually, when I read about the skip dan thing, I thought of a few people that it woud actually be a good thing for and you were one of them. I remember your story about the bogus ITF rank due to a shady instructor.
Are you considering using this event to further your rank or fix your rank to where it should be?


Hey AoG,

No, I'm not considering the test for a skip dan. When I tested for 3rd Dan in my org. last year, I also received my long-awaited KKW 2nd Dan. So my 20+ years since my KKW 1st is no longer an issue. I'm back on the "time-in-grade schedule" again. I'm elligible for KKW 3rd Dan in June 2009. I will take care of that then. Had I not gotten back on track last year, I'd certainly consider it.

Thanks for thinking of me. I've heard way too many horror stories of folks who thought they were 3rd-5th Dan KKW who's instructor never sent in the paper work...yet they took the money. Hopefully, this will be an opportunity to right some wrongs.
Actually the pal gues are also listed as "recognized" forms but they seem to ignore them for any kind of training or seminars. Since I have never done nor intend to do, the Tae Guks I am guessing that I wont attend.

Most likely the Tae Gueks & the yudanja poomsae. Those are the "official" KKW poomsae.
Actually the pal gues are also listed as "recognized" forms but they seem to ignore them for any kind of training or seminars. Since I have never done nor intend to do, the Tae Guks I am guessing that I wont attend.

Yes for whatever reason they keep them on the list but never do anything for them. Why because they are so much harder to learn than the simple Tae Gueks
Having only done a few of the Tae Gueks I guess my problem with them is that they just dont fit a good theory.... step and block with the back hand that type of stuff.... not that the Pal Gues are all correct but at least make more sense to me.

Yes for whatever reason they keep them on the list but never do anything for them. Why because they are so much harder to learn than the simple Tae Gueks
I consider myself lucky. After each Dan test, I received an appropriate certificate from either Kukkiwon or Chung Do Kwan. My certs are signed by either Un Yong Kim (KKW) or Woon Kyu Uhm (Chung Do Kwan/KKW). I couldn't imagine having to wait 25 years for a certificate or never receiving one. Fortunately, with my instructor's credentials, I've never had to.
Well here is a good one I had a phone call from a ITF person asking me to teach him the Tae Gueks so he can belt test at the US Open and recieve his fourth from them. He has 7 instructor sign off on him already for the paperwork but would like me to teach so he can get his fourth and start offering KKW certs. for those that would like to have it. See just as I thought people just doing it so they can claim something else, Yes I will teach it to him becaus eif he does not pay me he will just find somebody else to do it.
I am very pleased to have this opportunity to attain a rank that is representative of my years of training and, hopefully, my Taekwondo history. I have submitted my application and am anxiously awaiting a reply.

I have read some profiles about members who received their black belts in 85, before I started training. I received my school black belt in 89 and my kukkiwon in 90. I have since owned a martial arts school for 9 years, trained provincial, national and international players and contributed to my community. I have my level 2 NCCP, which I believe has now changed, and my National Instructor certification. I also returned to school, after teaching Taekwondo in Korea for 6 months, to pursue my undergrad in education and am currently taking my bachelors or education. Unforutnatly I have experienced issues with testing, like a lot of you. I currently hold my 3rd Kukkiwon and have tried, on two separate occations, to get my 4th - and did not receive a certificate. So, I decided to go for it, and apply to test for my 6th dan. Part of my reasoning, if I had tested consistenty since 1990, since I have trained and taught consistently, I would be 4 years into my 6th. I know the rank does not change who I am or what kind of instructor I may be...but it is nice to have a rank that somewhat represents where you have been. I just want a chance to test - then passing is all up to me. In fact, I am so excited about the seminar and the potential testing...but only time will tell if it will become a reality.

I also left my instructor in 2000 - due to a difference in business philosophies. He was all business and I am not...and I had to eat, if you catch my drift.

Thanks for reading. Anyone else in the same boat as I, awaiting a reply?