USA Jr Team May Go To Korea Open

Man this thread went downhill real fast. is everything ok between you and halapino? This is a friendly place for decussion and topics relating to TKD, may I ask Hal-apino what is wrong with the group that is taken these fine athletes to Korea? I know these instructors and they seem like very highly regarded individuals? Maybe if you do not want to answer in the thread a pm can be sent to me.
Hope all our U.S. kids are having fun and doing a great job. Bring back some hardware and some knowledge to pass around.

Man this thread went downhill real fast. is everything ok between you and halapino? This is a friendly place for decussion and topics relating to TKD, may I ask Hal-apino what is wrong with the group that is taken these fine athletes to Korea? I know these instructors and they seem like very highly regarded individuals? Maybe if you do not want to answer in the thread a pm can be sent to me.

Your answer was sent in a PM! I wish the athletes much success but more than that I wish for them to be SAFE! Best of Luck!
For those not following the team on FB (, here are the results for Day 1 from a reporter live on the scene:

Our seniors did great today! Sven won in an impressive come back against Chinese Taipei (head shots gave him the win) but lost to Korea. Mario and Aldo both fought hard but did not advance against Iran. Vladimir won his first round against Kazakhstan but lost in overtime against Chinese Taipei. Twins Tavis and Taylor Smith were the MVP today showing us their drive. Taylor won first match w/ Scotland, but lost to 2004 Korean Olympic silver medalist Song. Tavis beat Iran then lost to Song in semi-final and won Bronze! Congratulations to everyone they gave it their all
I would like someone to ask the athletes on their experiences with the use of Daedo chest guard. I would like to know their comparison between the LaJust vs Daedo.
I would like someone to ask the athletes on their experiences with the use of Daedo chest guard. I would like to know their comparison between the LaJust vs Daedo.

I can answer that since we have used them, they are more accurate. They seem to not have the same problems that Lajust is having. I have heard that Lajust is getting better with the newer version but it is still not as good as Daedo right now.
Sounds like everyone got some great experience. Good for them. Thanks the the update.
Michigan's own Steven Thompson won gold in his division at the Korean Open. Steven trains with Masters Russ Gale and Tanya Panizzo of Milan/Midwest TKD. Steven is not only an outstanding athlete but he's a genuinely nice kid. Congrats to Steven and Team USA!