The team the traveled to Russia a couple of weeks ago made it into the Korea Daily newspaper:
A rough translation of the article is:
Diamond BarÂ’s Korean TKD Studio Owner and Grand Master led the CaliforniaÂ’s Jr Team Athletes to Russia in the last Open Tournament coming home with great results.
YIC TKD's Grand Master-Young In Cheon, went to Russia on 4/21/10 by invitation from the Russian TKD Committee for the their TKD Open International Tournament.
California Junior representatives went to Russia to train and attend the tournament held between 4/26-29 in Chelabynsk, Russia. It was for the “Olympic Hopes” Open International Tournament.
Among the girls, we brought home (1)Gold Medal by (Madison Motoyasu) and (1) Silver Medal by (Samantha Braun). There were a total of (8) attendees which included (2) boys, (3) girls, (1) coach, (1) team mgr, and (1) Master, who attended this event. They all returned home safely on May 1.
Television stations have interviewed Grand Master Cheon and the buzz is the great response received from Russia and how much our athletes were welcomed. They were so liked, that at times the Tournament Officials worried of disruptions as there were too many of them crowding around our athletes requesting for photos and autographs.
During the competition, Russian TKD, Olympic Committee and Grand Master Cheon, met and discussed attending US Tournaments, i.e. International TKD Festival and future attendance to Russian Tournaments as well as to further our relationship going forward.