Personally I've always fancied the part of Shakespeare's Portia. You might have to think about that one.
A matter of time before what? You seem to think we are all condoning something we aren't. Put the blame for the wars where blame lies, Bush senior went to war in Iraq, our idiot government followed him in, Bush junior wanted to emulate daddy so second war in Iraq, again our idiot government follows like a pet poodle.
The American government invades Afghanistan so our government with it's tongue firmly up Bush's fundament follows, therein lies the blame, on the politicians. Blame us all for voting them in if you like but of one thing you can be sure there's not one of us that doesn't want he war stopped and our toops come home safely. Don't assume we are all war mongers, even most soldiers aren't and don't assume you are the only one that is right and lastly don't you dare assume we condone atrocities committed by our troops or anyone for that matter. Your moral compass is no more correct than ours.
The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service. Albert Einstein
You cannot abrogate your responsibility in choosing to follow.