US Marine & Muslim: FBI Targeted

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I find this offensive if it is true...but not surprising.

ST. CHARLES — Local dog trainer Ibraheim “Abe” Mashal says he might have considered the FBI’s request for him to work as an undercover informant if they’d recruited him openly.
Instead, the American-born Muslim and U.S. Marine Corps veteran charges that agents secretly put him on the federal government’s “no-fly” list and launched an investigation that included his family, friends and clients, then offered to restore his flying privileges in exchange for him spying on area mosques.
“If they had called and been straight up with me, they would have gotten a different answer,” said Mashal. “But this has to be a free country. You can’t go putting people on lists like they did in communist Russia.”

I have to say that I don't know if the FBI put him on the "No Fly" list so that they could attempt to recruit him as a spy, or if they put him on the list because he asked an Imam a question via email and then decided to take advantage of the opportunity to try to offer him removal from the NF list in exchange for becoming a spy...but either way it more or less sucks.

Let me get this straight. It's OK that this US Marine is not allowed to fly on commercial air anymore because he sent an email to an Imam? We do that now? In this country?

But hey, he's just one more example, right? Of a Muslim who 'refuses to integrate' with our precious American culture, right? Who refuses to compromise or change at all (like marrying a Baptist, obviously a radical Muslim thing to do). Who just can't be a real American. He hates this country even though he was born and raised here - as can be proven by his honorable service as a US Marine. Clearly a traitor. He just takes and doesn't give. LIKE ALL MUSLIMS in the USA, right?

Well, he's getting what he deserves. Right, guys?

(put frankly not unexpected. Been wanting to read the koran, but I'll be damned if I check it out in the library or order it online....)
No service member should be on the No Fly List. If there is a legitimate reason for someone to be on the No Fly List, they shouldn't be in uniform.
However, people like Major Hasan, shouldn't be in uniform and probably shouldn't be flying either...
No service member should be on the No Fly List. If there is a legitimate reason for someone to be on the No Fly List, they shouldn't be in uniform.
However, people like Major Hasan, shouldn't be in uniform and probably shouldn't be flying either...

Until someone picks up a weapon and uses it illegally, Don, how do you know the difference?

Or shall we just go on the assumption that Muslims are bad and leave it at that? I mean, if this Marine doesn't want to be picked on, he can just convert to Baptist and be like his wife, right? Obviously he's just asking for trouble.
Until someone picks up a weapon and uses it illegally, Don, how do you know the difference?

Or shall we just go on the assumption that Muslims are bad and leave it at that? I mean, if this Marine doesn't want to be picked on, he can just convert to Baptist and be like his wife, right? Obviously he's just asking for trouble.
There were plenty of IGNORED indications with Major Hasan.
There were plenty of IGNORED indications with Major Hasan.

Well, no doubt.

But again, before restricting the right of a US citizen to get on a plane, what has to happen, in your opinion? He does something illegal? He does something someone finds threatening? He's the wrong religion?

But of course, I'm letting you off the hook easy here. I mean, Don, this guy's a MUSLIM. That means he's evil. He wants to overthrow the Constitution and institute Sharia Law. He refuses to assimilate. Right? Or shall we continue pretending that there's not a turd in the punch bowl of the usual anti-Muslim logic?

just because you are not paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.

I might remember to swipe the one my mom has. Or to carry cash when I go to the store.

It's a reasonable fear. Not only can the government demand the list of people who buy certain books or check them out from public libraries, the institutions they demand this information from are forbidden by law from telling anyone that they gave it up.

The Patriot Act. Keep us safe by infringing on our liberties since 2002.
It's a reasonable fear. Not only can the government demand the list of people who buy certain books or check them out from public libraries, the institutions they demand this information from are forbidden by law from telling anyone that they gave it up.

The Patriot Act. Keep us safe by infringing on our liberties since 2002.

Aye, not to mention the little biddy about turning your local Pizza Parlor into a financial institution bound to pass on your information as well.
I understand that the FBI won`t comment on a pending case, so we`re only hearing the one side so far. But what we`re hearing seriously pisses me off. I`ve known former FBI agents, and the ones I new were very good and moral men. But at the same time we only have to look at the history of the organization to see that as a whole they`re a bunch of heavy-handed law breaking thugs.

And if the guy is supposed to be such a badassed dangerous Muslim, why would they ask him to discuss his case "over drinks"? What a bunch of screw ups.
No service member should be on the No Fly List. If there is a legitimate reason for someone to be on the No Fly List, they shouldn't be in uniform.
However, people like Major Hasan, shouldn't be in uniform and probably shouldn't be flying either...

There were plenty of IGNORED indications with Major Hasan.

That's 2 times you've side stepped the issue of 1) the FBI behaving like thugs 2) there being no accountability for putting someone on the NF list and 3) the tendency to let anything slide as long as the other person is a muslim.

Noone should be on the NF list without a solid reason, and without formal a way to review the reasons and make corrections if the data was incomplete.

Things like this are only a small step away from secret tribunals and show trials. That is the real issue here.
That's 2 times you've side stepped the issue of 1) the FBI behaving like thugs 2) there being no accountability for putting someone on the NF list and 3) the tendency to let anything slide as long as the other person is a muslim.

Noone should be on the NF list without a solid reason, and without formal a way to review the reasons and make corrections if the data was incomplete.

Things like this are only a small step away from secret tribunals and show trials. That is the real issue here.

Isn't the deal with the NF list you don't know until you stand there, ticket in hand, bags checked that you are told 'nener nener, but you ain't flying' ?
The link I provided is the Online Book Project-and, while the paranoia may be justified, there are certainly ways around that.

I know, I was just being facetious.

Personally, I'm going to read what I want, when I want. In fact, I just bought a copy of the "Communist Manifesto", am likely to read "Mein Kampf" one day, as well as a few other "controversial" texts.

Not really into religious texts too much, so can't say that I'll ever read the Koran. Maybe. And I'm not going to let any perceived consequenses stop me.

What good is freedom if we don't exercise it, even if under duress.
I know, I was just being facetious.

Personally, I'm going to read what I want, when I want. In fact, I just bought a copy of the "Communist Manifesto", am likely to read "Mein Kampf" one day, as well as a few other "controversial" texts.

Not really into religious texts too much, so can't say that I'll ever read the Koran. Maybe. And I'm not going to let any perceived consequenses stop me.

What good is freedom if we don't exercise it, even if under duress.

Every once in a while I have to get on a plane at this point in my life

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