Disabled Marine Veteran Shoots Burglar with WWII Czech Pistol

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni

MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma - A disabled veteran used a World War II era gun to shoot an intruder who kicked in his door over the weekend. Lloyd Macarty was a Marine, and his wife says he was steady as a rock when he got his gun and fired it just as the door came open.
Lloyd and Mary Macarty have lived in their Muskogee home for 44 years. Lloyd proudly flies the American flag each day.
"When he knocked two to three times, that was kinda suspicious, then heard the screen door open, that was another thing," said veteran Lloyd Macarty. "I just decided to get my pistol. I have a .32 automatic pistol dad sent me back in 1948. It's really old, but it worked good."

When Lloyd heard the squeaking of the door, he figured whoever it was - was coming in. So he got his gun. No sooner did he get back to the living room, when the guy hit the front door so hard, it shuddered the whole house and knocked off the doorknob plate.
Lloyd fired that old gun sent to him from his father in Czechoslovakia during World War II, and the bullet went right through the door and into the suspect.

"He went to hollering when I hit him, 'ow, yow,' I heard him clear down the block," he said. "I must've hit him pretty good because one of the detectives came by to check on us and said they transferred him to Tulsa."

Well done to that Marine.
Well done indeed. I hope, and suspect, that the laws in Oklahoma will protect the home owner. I don't think they are real tolerant of people who break into homes in general, much less when the home is occupied.
Well Done Marine, but next time remember if it is not a .45 ALWAYS SHOOT TWICE!! and even if it is a .45 consider shooting twice!

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