US Army Will Upgrade To Windows Vista

Bob Hubbard

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US Army Will Upgrade To Windows Vista on Friday May 22, @08:14PM

Posted by Soulskill on Friday May 22, @08:14PM
from the your-tax-dollars-at-work dept.

MojoKid writes "While many organizations are preparing for an upgrade to Windows 7, the US Army is upgrading to Windows Vista. The upgrade will include getting rid of all the Office 2003 programs and installing Office 2007 in its place, and is scheduled for a Dec. 31 completion date. Half the Army's computers (they have 744,000 desktop units) have Office 2007 so far, and 13 percent are on Vista, which was released in January 2007. Windows 7 is supposed to launch before year's end, so the Army will be fully on Vista sometime after Microsoft's next generation OS is already launched."
Why the F22 crashed during the attack?

Was it the enemy fighters?

Was it the enemy anti-aircraft batteries?

Was it pilot error?

Was a duck sucked into the jets causing a fubar state?

Then why the hell did an 80 million dollar fighter crash and kill a highly trained airman?

The Answer

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