Urging French Jews to move

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
This I took from the BBC website. For some reason I found this plea/command from Sharon to be very disturbing - as if he speaks for all Jewish people everywhere (wrong), and as if all Jews should live in Israel (wrong). If I were a Jewish person living in France today, I would be ticked off.

French Jews 'must move to Israel'

France has seen a spate of attacks against Jewish targets

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has urged all French Jews to move to Israel immediately to escape anti-Semitism.

He told a meeting of the American Jewish Association in Jerusalem that Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as early as possible.

But for those living in France, he added, moving was a "must" because of rising violence against Jews there.

France's foreign ministry said it had asked Israel for an explanation of the "unacceptable comments".

French Jewish leaders, interviewed on France-2 Television, said Mr Sharon's remarks were unhelpful.

"These comments do not bring calm, peace and serenity that we all need," said Patrick Gaubert, of the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra). "I think Mr Sharon would have done better tonight to have kept quiet."

"It's not up to him to decide for us," said Theo Klein, honorary president of Crif, which represents French Jewish organisations.


France has suffered a wave of anti-Semitic attacks coinciding with renewed fighting in the Middle East.


About France, on one hand we see the spread of the wildest anti-Semitism there

Ariel Sharon

"We see the spread of the wildest anti-Semitism" in France, Mr Sharon said.

The latest French government figures show 510 anti-Jewish acts or threats in the first six months of 2004 - compared to 593 for all of last year.

In recent years there have been bomb attacks against a number of synagogues and Jewish schools in France.

Jewish tombs have also been desecrated.

Mr Sharon acknowledged that the Paris government had made efforts to tackle the problem.

He added that France faced a new kind of anti-Semitism based on anti-Israeli feelings and propaganda.

He pointed out that France had a large Muslim community estimated at less than 10% of population, or about five million.


Mr Sharon said his advice to French Jews was that moving to Israel was "a must and they have to move immediately".

The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says this is not the first time that Mr Sharon has spoken about the need for French Jews to leave for Israel, but rarely has he been so blunt.

"We have immediately made contact with Israeli authorities to ask them for explanations about these unacceptable statements," said French foreign ministry spokesman Herve Ladsous.

Our correspondent says there is irritation in France at the idea that life for Jews there is becoming dangerous - especially as the government has made every effort to show that anti-Jewish acts will be severely punished. A week ago President Jacques Chirac rushed to condemn an apparently anti-Semitic attack on a Paris train that turned out to be a hoax. Our correspondent adds that his haste only aggravated passions among many in the Muslim community who feel they are the instant scapegoats.

On the other hand, Sharon's remarks might shame the average Frenchman/woman into working towards putting a stop to this crap.

Whence the anti-Semitism? I thought the big issue over there was with Muslim women wearing veils in schools.

Anybody know what is causing this?



Good point, I hadn't considered that.

I think there's been a rise in anti-outsider feelings - one of the reasons Chirac got elected into office years ago, or one of the contributing factors to his success, I think - in France. I think the anti-Semitism is related, but has been going on for a number of years. I have no idea what sparked it, though.
FeistyMouse, remember that the French Jews are not 'outsiders'. Anti-Semetism in France has always been there. Sharon has every right to urge French Jews to leave before it gets worse. And Israel is the only country in the world where a Jew can live as a Jew without the fear of being persecuted for it.
And Israel is the only country in the world where a Jew can live as a Jew without the fear of being persecuted for it.
I would have to disagree - my ex-in-laws are a large, successful Jewish family who practice their faith and culture here all around the USA. I don't think Jews only belong in Israel - they should live anywhere they want, ideally just like everyone else.
I agree to a certain extent. I live in Canada and can generally practice my faith and culture freely. It still means a police presence during High Holy Days. It still means anti-semetic attackes to homes, synagogues and cemetaries. We should be able to live anywhere, it just doesn't always happen that way. When faced with the dramatic rise in anti-semetism in Europe, and France in particular, I support Sharon's statement. It's a reminde that this time there is somewhere you can go that will not turn you down. You can't expect him to urge French Jews to move the the US.

If my pitifully small understanding of the Zionist movement in Jewish thought is at all correct, this action by Sharon makes a lot of sense. In addition to any political gain sought by annoying the French government, Sharon undoubtedly believes, along with many others both in and outside of Israel, that Israel is the best, and safest, place in the world for Jews.
Feisty Mouse said:
I would have to disagree - my ex-in-laws are a large, successful Jewish family who practice their faith and culture here all around the USA. I don't think Jews only belong in Israel - they should live anywhere they want, ideally just like everyone else.

There are more Jews in the United States than in all of Israel, so I think they must agree with you.

Peachmonkey, I wonder if anybody has pointed out to Sharon that there have been no suicide bombings in the U.S. or Europe lately specifically targeting Jews.


CanuckMA said:
FeistyMouse, remember that the French Jews are not 'outsiders'. Anti-Semetism in France has always been there. Sharon has every right to urge French Jews to leave before it gets worse. And Israel is the only country in the world where a Jew can live as a Jew without the fear of being persecuted for it.
Come on, man. They can live in Canada without being persecuted as well. In fact, I would suggest that a Jewish person would have a greater likely hood of experiencing ethnic violence in Israel than here.
hardheadjarhead said:
Peachmonkey, I wonder if anybody has pointed out to Sharon that there have been no suicide bombings in the U.S. or Europe lately specifically targeting Jews.
Steve, an excellent point, and one I share.

I'm assuming Sharon would counter by pointing out that there's little that American Jews could do to protect themselves if the majority of Americans decided to persecute them, whereas in Israel, they live amongst other Jews, working together for mutual benefit, with their own defence force to protect them.
Historically Jewish People have been presecuted by other peoples for a number of reasons real or imagined.

The burden the Jewish people have is to be the HIS chosen people. For some reason from time to time people blame the Jewish people for their problems.

I think it is a way of people to strike or lash out at HIM by attacking HIS people.

This rise of Anti-Jewish events in France and Europe is nothing new (the most famous period of Jewish Presecution) the same evil or selfish desires that were in place during Hitlers time I think are raising its ugly head once again due to Social and Economic problems in Europe.
Mark Weiser said:
I think it is a way of people to strike or lash out at HIM by attacking HIS people.

Now THERE is a zippy way to tick off the Religious Right. That'll leave 'em gasping like a landed fish.

Thanks, Mark.


I see both sides of this...

Sharon can urge Jews to move to Israel. That's what Israel was created for, after all, as a homeland for the Jews. Jews believe (from what I can find) that the Messiah will not come until the Jews are united, gathered from exile, and returned to Israel (Isaiah 27:12-13, Isaiah 11:12), which may explain some of his motivation.

However, I can see how Jews living in France might be a little ticked at someone from a foreign country telling them they need to pick up and move on his say-so.
hardheadjarhead said:
There are more Jews in the United States than in all of Israel, so I think they must agree with you.

Peachmonkey, I wonder if anybody has pointed out to Sharon that there have been no suicide bombings in the U.S. or Europe lately specifically targeting Jews.



Not quite. Half of the world's Jews live in Israel. While the US has the largest number of Jews outside of Israel, it is still less than half.

No suicide bombings yet, but a large number of violent attacks on persons and institutions. A few months ago, a Jewish school in Montreal was firebombed. Around the same time, just a few miles from where I live, a couple dozen homes were spraipainted with swastikas, a cemetary was desecrated, Jewish schools and synagogues were vandalized.
Nightingale said:
I see both sides of this...

Sharon can urge Jews to move to Israel. That's what Israel was created for, after all, as a homeland for the Jews. Jews believe (from what I can find) that the Messiah will not come until the Jews are united, gathered from exile, and returned to Israel (Isaiah 27:12-13, Isaiah 11:12), which may explain some of his motivation.

However, I can see how Jews living in France might be a little ticked at someone from a foreign country telling them they need to pick up and move on his say-so.

They might be a little ticked, but bear in mind that a majority of Jews do not see Israel as a foreign country.
CanuckMA said:
Not quite. Half of the world's Jews live in Israel. While the US has the largest number of Jews outside of Israel, it is still less than half.

There are currently 5,800,000 Jews living in the U.S. Over six million if you check other sources such as the American Jewish Year book.

There are 4,847,000-5,400,000 Jews in Israel, depending on the resource cited. That upper number doesn't reflect half of the total of 13 million Jews worldwide.

So...I stand by my original statement.






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