URGENT! Need help to stop undue Govmt Regulation on Martial Arts!!


Brown Belt
Greetings to all.

I request the help of the Martial Community in a somewhat urgent matter.

Here, in Puerto Rico, a U.S. Territory/Commonwealth, a government agency, the Department of Recreation and Sports, is trying to regulate the Functioning of Martial Arts Schools, and LICENSING Martial arts Teachers. We need you help to stop it, by sending a short message of support AGAINST the regulation.

Here is the situation.

They start by defining Martial Arts as a “High Risk Activity” in an ambiguous language, thus justifying undue government regulations on martial arts businesses and instructors. This with NO history of major injury incident or crime occurring during our tournaments or school practices in the Island.

Not only that, the “Regulation” proposed includes fees for licensing schools, which is done by handing all the usual business and building use permits (which require OSHA level safety standards), yet require accreditation by an Institute of the Department, that has no Martial Arts teachers or courses in it, and the requirements for accreditation by this Institute have not been stated.

They also require a release so they can do random drug testing, without any kind of probable cause. They require you to hand in your ORIGINAL certificates to be evaluated by a 13 member Council of Martial Arts teachers, appointed by the Secretary of the Dept. They shall be returned only AFTER being approved. The Council, until now, has members which are for the most part affiliated and DO NOT represent the general interests of the Martial School Teachers. Some are direct students of another council member.

They also license each assistant instructor, or any advanced student, $50 a pop. Plus if I bring a teacher from the U.S., or anywhere else from outside P.R., we have to pay a $150 licensing fee for the teacher, and they can DENY the license if they want. There is a clause that says that they can add ANY requirements they want at ANY time. That is dangerous.

Not only that, if you have a Martial Arts school, you can NOT use the space for ANYTHING else, even if you have the business permits for it.

The fines are in the range of $500 to $10,000, up to $25,000.

There is a lot more wrong with this Regulation, yet I'm sure you can all see the big injustice in this action. The justification is “to keep child molesters out of Martial arts schools and to have a safe training environment”. To get the building permits to use it as a Martial Arts School, you NEED to make sure it is safe, because the Health Department and the Fire Department inspects it! And there we have not found a case of child molestation in a martial arts school here.

Here is the regulation announcement link:


Thus I ask for help. All we need at this point is letters and short messages saying who you are, a few reasons why you're against any undue government regulation (any of the stated ones or all of them would suffice) and that you oppose this kind of regulation and support me and the Puerto Rico Martial Community in opposing this regulation.
This helps by showing national and international support against unjust laws and regulations. With the noise that we're making here, and your support, we can let them know we are not the thugs they think we are.

Also, if this regulation passes, it would create a precedent that can be followed by other States, as they're trying to do in New Jersey.

The letters can be emailed to me, so I can print them and forward it to them. They don't have an email account to receive the oppositions, and paper is heavier than email. Thus to save on postage, I'll print them and deliver them in person this week. The deadline for written opposition is January 3, 2010. Thus I will hand in everything as soon as possible.

My email is profesorcombate [at] gmail. Put the @ sign after the username and finish the gmail address. Or give me a PM. Or Reply to this message. Whichever is easier. I have a detailed letter with 22 arguments against the regulation, in Spanish. I will give the highlights as time permits.

I thank you deeply for your help. And remember that in helping me fight this, you're also helping yourselves against future undue regulation. Some are even talking about going “secret” as in the old times...


Juan Mercado Robles
Co-Founder of the Academia de Artes Marciales de Carolina
Mercado Martial Academy
You have got to be ****ING ME!!!!! :sniper:

That's the dumbest thing i've seen since Greedo shooting FIRST!

Someone needs to tell them where to stick that steaming pile.

I'll post some templates of messages later today after getting some rest...

The Uniform Administrative Procedure Law here states how Regulations are implemented and opposed. In this stage, we have to make our opposition very loud and public. Any support from other places opposing the regulation let's them know that we are not alone nor a weak group, and can have media consequences outside PR.

Also, it shows that it is unnecessary, and our voices should be taken into consideration.

We've done polls and such and more than 90% are against it. Still they want to do as they want. We cannot permit this.

the more support we get, the better, because if they pass the regulation, we'll go to court and with that kind of support being sent BEFORE the regulation passed, it will make a better case for us.


Juan Mercado Robles

P.S. Can I quote you on that, sir? LOL Your reaction was sort of my basic REAL reaction...
sgtmac_46 said:
You have got to be ****ING ME!!!!! :sniper:

That's the dumbest thing i've seen since Greedo shooting FIRST!

they wanna do something similar in NJ, btw.
Out of curiosity, what interest groups are driving this legislation......the usual Nanny Staters i'm sure, but who's been putting up the money to drive this?
We have not found out yet.

We thought it was an insurance company push, since they wanted us to pay for compulsory professional liability insurance, that runs about $1000+, sometimes double a year.

But from the last draft, because of intense opposition, it was stricken off. Yet there is a clause that states that any requirement that the commission asks for has to be fulfilled, leaving the door open for that after the regulation passes.

Up to now, it seems to be a personal thing by a legislator. We're investigating and I hope to figure it out soon.
We have not found out yet.

We thought it was an insurance company push, since they wanted us to pay for compulsory professional liability insurance, that runs about $1000+, sometimes double a year.

But from the last draft, because of intense opposition, it was stricken off. Yet there is a clause that states that any requirement that the commission asks for has to be fulfilled, leaving the door open for that after the regulation passes.

Up to now, it seems to be a personal thing by a legislator. We're investigating and I hope to figure it out soon.

Ahhhhhh.......the Insurance Industry......now doubt they're pulling for it, but I suspect there's more behind it than that. Yeah, you have a legislator with a personal axe to grind, but they usually don't manage to push these kind of things through without lobbyists hounding other legislators.

Sadly, it's one of those things you can foster on to the lay public, because most people don't really care.

Same old big government crap........

If it moves, tax it
If it keeps moving, regulate it
If it stops moving, subsidize it
If it moves, tax it
If it keeps moving, regulate it
If it stops moving, subsidize it

One of the better descriptions I have heard.

I would just like to make it known -

I only peruse this forum for kicks.

I do not really study martial arts
I do not own firearms
I do not store food or supplies
I am not ready nor able to survive should the gov. fail
I don not think the gov will fail
I do not think it is too big and I certainly don't think its actions unconstitutional
There is nothing here to see.

Juan, Thank you for bringing this incredibly bone-headed piece of legislation to our attention. I emailed you a letter as requested --Steve
I'll be linking this thread to my facebook, where all my kung fu brothers can see it, and perhaps give you a few extra e-mails, should be sending one out before too long myself.
Thanks for bringing our attention to this, and best of luck!

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