Green Belt
if you think this is going to happen, why is that?
OH...well..for some of the very things you mentioned. Karate Day Care. I think it is just a matter of time before some parent somewhere will get some State Rep to put up a bill. I think like many of you though that it would be written by someone without an inkling about what real martial art instruction is about...and probably will be written so broadly as to affect all of. I'm not saying outright I'm against it...because I'd have to read it first. But there are definitely things I wouldn't want to see in such a bill. And I think as the commercial aspects continue to grow within the MA community, sooner or later the insurance industry will push some law on us forcing all teachers to have 'malpractice' insurance. Hey....it's already out there....it just isn't a requirement of law yet. Again, forcing a business to keep some kind of accident liablility insurance may not be a bad thing (for the public or the business).....but I'm not sure I want the government to make that part of any law.
Those are two reasons I think there will eventually be some type of regulation on martial arts instruction. Frankly, all the developement of the commercial aspects is just drawing attention to us....and not necessarily in a good way. But there really is no going back now to the days of the patron sponsoring a favored teacher and that being enough for him to live a comfortable life free of worrying about how the utilities will get paid this month.
Rook....you comment takes us down the path of bias. I think there are plenty of excellant and competant teachers of Martial Arts in this country that we wouldn't need to relax immigration laws just to get some Asian teacher to the country. If there is a legitmate teacher of martial arts in Taiwan that you think should be here....you certainly can volunteer to sponsor their immigration through existing legal channels. It really is a myth that a teacher must be Asian to teach excellant classical martial arts. It also is a misnomer that there are not American devised systems of martial arts that are not effective. I think we deserve a little more credit than that.