Upstate NY Goju Seminar - August 2nd - Syracuse

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shuri-te
  • Start date Start date


This is the first of an annual Goju training seminar. We will study the kata Seienchin. If you practice this kata in Isshin Ryu, or Shito Ryu, you may be interested.

Due to space restrictions, this will be open to black belts only. (Sorry, but we have the dojo pretty full already.)

We have several high ranking American masters who will be attending. The teaching will be done in a round robin style. Anyone who has an application will have an opportunity to share it.

The seminar will begin at 12:00 and go to 3:30 or 4:00. There is no charge, but we will have a donation cup for:
-food (pizza afterwards)
-helping to subsidize the gas/tolls of those students who travel far to attend.
-dojo contribution (lets help the sensei with a bit of his high rent.)

If you want more information, please send Shuri-te a private email.

Sorry for the delay, I have been on vacation, and had to limit my MT participation to a few 10 minute increments from an Internet cafe.

The seminar will be taught by all that want to teach. We will have 18 ten minute slots (high dans - 6th and above, might get 15 minutes, tbd). We don't know how good the turnout will be yet, but I anticipate from 15-25 dan ranks.

Sensei Musacchio who founded CNY karate in the early 60s will be attending. Sensei Labatte, who took over the school has been invited, and is still trying to work it into his busy schedule. Some of his students are planning to attend.

Sensei Grabow who studied with Toguchi in the 60s has been invited as have some high ranking Shito Ryu and Isshin Ryu teachers.

Although I have trained in a number of Goju dojos, I am not a Goju student. I would say that I am a fair student of Seienchin and have developed about 20 applications that I have not seen elsewhere (They are not on Higaonna's and Chinen's tapes, and have not been seen by several higher ranking Goju students that I have trained with.) All my applications have takedowns and all use just the sequential movements of the kata. When I get my slot, I will quickly demo 5 or so and see what people would like to practice, then work on one or two.

Any chance you would come up from FL, or know any New Yorkers that might be interested???

We will make a video, and although it will have limited distribution, I would like to offer you a copy of it if you are interested. It might motivate you to come up to next year's event. Although we haven't picked next year's kata yet, if I were a betting man, I would wager that we will exchange ideas on Seipei next summer.

I checked your website, and I think that this gathering is very much in the spirit of your organization. Yudanshu from varying backgrounds sharing ideas about Goju, although in our forum, we restrict it to ideas about the kata.

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