Unsung hero's of Marial Arts


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Who do you believe to be the really Unsung heros and why?

For me it is all the people that train everyday, The men women and childern that make a commitment to there instructors and years later are still there and still training while teaching the beginners. It is the parent that stay after class to help pick up cups and empty the trash so the school always stay clean. It is the student that just cannot offord classes but put so much effort into there schools so the instructor will teach them for free. It is the instructor that you really never hear of that run programs that help those childern stay away from gangs. It is those people that are the Unsung heros of MA.

We always hear about what professional athletes do for childern and causes but never what normal everyday instructor and students do for there community. So I thought I would post this and hoping that some of us could share what is going on in our area with Martial artist and there students.
Lot's of unsung hero's out there. One of my all time favorites was one of my early instructors named Jeff Fields. Simply a one of a kind martial artist and teacher of Modern Arnis and Tae Kwon Do. He truly changed many peoples lives.

Like you Terry it is as always all about the training!!!
We have our last tournament a week from this Saturday on the 20th and alot of my student are running in a five k run to help raise funds for local charities. To me they are unsung heros not alot of top athlete would do this a week before there last tournament of the year. I take my hat off to them for this and for coming to me and explaining that they have to do this to help those people that need it, to me they have really grasp what MA is all about.