Unlike fishermen and 7/11 workers...

As a Federal Officer I make twice what local law enforcement make. I know because I used to be one of the local law enforcement. Now in regards to being "paid just fine" I don't complain. But while I was a road officer I never let my wife leave the porch light on for when I came home. You know what, I never had to worry about the porch light making me a target when I was in the restaurant business and I did fire people. Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers see the side of society nobody wants to see or deal with. The average West Virginia Law Enforcement Officer is lucky if he breaks $35,000. a year and a WV Correctional Officer is lucky to bring home $25,000. With that in mind they can't go to Walmart without bringing along their gun, because there is a good chance that they are going to run into someone they arrested or had in jail. And now they get to see your family. And don't get me started on the amount of over time an officer eats and never gets paid for because of budget restraints. Or sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner in a duty belt because you know your getting called out on a domestic. LEOs and COs don't do it for the money. They do it because it has to be done. Understanding the public's lack of over all knowledge about what the job is about even after the "job" is over doesn't make it any easier for Officers to take comments like this. I have lost 3 officers in this area in the last 6 months. Tell their families they were "paid just fine".

My perception is that many are paid just fine. I work at a university, and know exactly how much the officers are paid on our accounts, and it's reeeeeeeally sweet pay for most.

State pay for Mass state workers is listed on the Boston Herald page, and here is a sample of state police pay.

http://www.bostonherald.com/project...h=&department_name=Department of State Police