When he was finally subdued, he continued to resist. The Taser was used to "encourage" his submission. He should be thankful. He was fine a few minutes later; had they used batons, OC, or other means to subdue him, he'd probably be hospitalized.
And that is a great point, and the thing about tazers that I don't think people get, because it is disturbing to see someone screaming, and then being zapped into submission. But the other side of it is that w/o the tazer resisting perps often injure themselves before they finally submit. This is not even considering the injuries that are more likely to occur through the use of other less-lethal force methods then with a tazer.
Tazers, although painful and disturbing to watch, are often the safest choice for both the officer and the arrestee.
That said; I am not one of those guys who think the police can "do no wrong," and therefore I am all for departmental rules that would prevent abuses. That is why, as an example, despite the damage a cuffed perp can do, I am still not comfortable or for the idea of tazing an already cuffed individual.
But, I don't think that this was a case of abuse at all.