Universal Tae Kwon Do Brotherhood

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Hello Terry:
GM Humesky tries to work with everyone, as he does truly love Korean martial arts. His efforts to support others make it seem he is one of those who jump from org to org in order to seek recognition. In his case, I am confident that he does not need any of the orgs he has joined, it is just his way of trying to help those who run them. Unfortunately, he is perhaps too trusting.
The National Korean Martial Arts Association was created by Grand Master Timmerman in order to provide serious martial artists of all ranks and styles, who for one reason or another lost their link to a legitimate association, with instruction, registration of rank, meaningful certification, and many other highly desirable services. Furthermore, we promise to do so in a timely manner and at an affordable fee.

So apparently I can join your organization and buy myself a rank. You say it yourself-we accept anyone. So does a prostitute.

If I lose my membership in an organization because I broke the rules or refused to listen to my Instructor, I can join your organization, no questions asked, pay the money, and get my rank bestowed on me. You accuse me of sour grapes? I have no sour grapes. I am interested in integrity, of which your organization could use a little. Traditional martial arts, of which you claim to follow, is about being loyal to one Instructor, following him/her, and earning rank in whatever art you follow. You can only have one father.

I am not interested in doing a hatchet job on Humesky, as you state. What I am interested in is exposing frauds for what they are. Apparently, other members are a little skeptical of Humesky's credentials as well. Sour grapes has nothing to do with it.
Let's look at the facts as Humesky presents them:
8th WTF
8th Dan ITF
8th Dan Chang Moo Kwan
8th or 9th Dan USMA (I've seen the USMA website. Do you really think that many Grandmasters exist?)
10th Dan Chinese Kung Fu (I didn't know Kung Fu awarded Dan ranks)

Any one of these ranks would take a lifetime to earn. How in the world does Humesky claim, with a straight face, to have that many Grandmaster titles?
I'll play devil's advocate here, suspend disbelief, and pretend Humesky does hold the ranks he claims.
He is 8th Dan WTF. Surely a man with his ranking would be active within the WTF as an advisor, going around the world promoting WTF Tae Kwon Do and teaching WTF technique.
He is 8th Dan ITF. See above.
I follow the WTF, Kukkiwon, and ITF enough that if Humesky really had the ranks he claimed, he would be active at WTF events, ITF events, and within the Kukkiwon. Why isn't he? I never hear or see anything about him concerning those three bodies.
He claims 10th Dan in Chinese Kung Fu. Therefore, he must go around the world teaching Kung Fu, promoting it, and be a major force within the Kung Fu community. I never hear about him, he is never profiled in any legitimate Chinese martial arts publications I have ever seen.
I do, however, see stories of him at USMA events, World Head of Soke events, and various Hall of Fame events. All of these populated by people with questionable credentials as well, claiming to have created their own styles, and most of them self proclaimed 10 Degrees. One of them, Mr. Klaus Shumacher, claims 11th Degree.
Mr. Humesky claims 8th or 9th Dan in the Universal Tae Kwon Do Brotherhood. He is also the founder of the UTB. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Dear MichiganTKD:

".....So apparently I can join your organization and buy myself a rank. You say it yourself-we accept anyone. So does a prostitute....."

I would never presume to speak for Rudy or his organization, but I think that there is a telling difference with Rudy and his organization that one does not find in a great many organizations.IMVVHO I believe that Rudy can make the statement that he does in that he is intimately acquainted with all of his members. BY this I mean that there are not the usual scads of members who pay their $$$$ and get their paper as one finds in a number of KMA organizations. Rudy has some pretty high performance standards, and keeps reasonable awareness on where folks are with those standards. No small trick, this. I think I am also safe in saying that Rudy has no problem showing people to the door should they fail to live-up to the standards of the organizations. Now while I can feel safe in making these statements I can also say that knowing human nature, if one were to tell people up front the level of quality control in the NKMAA I think a lot of people would be daunted and lose out on the warmth, support and intelligence that comes with having someone such as Rudy for a mentor. So, on the one hand I would probably agree that Rudy is pretty accepting, this counter-balanced by some pretty stringent quality control. Hope this makes sense.

BTW: For what it is worth, I am NOT a member of the NKMAA. I have sent a formal letter to Rudy in this regard about 6 weeks ago and fully expect he will be responding as soon as time and resources allow. In the meantime I just wanted you to know that my response hides no "organizational agenda".

Best Wishes,

Understood. From what I have gathered on Rudy's website, he is active within the Hapkido community. Therefore, it is not surprising you would have an opportunity to contact him.
No sense beating a dead horse. I believe I have conveyed my opinions adequately.
Rich Parsons said:
MichiganTKD et al,

Can you find out if he does have rank in the ITF and WTF and Chang Moo Kwan?

There used to be a website listing ITF Masters and Grandmasters. It has since been taken down; but, I saw the list quoted in a discussion thread on this site, entitled "TKD Help", from a discussion in April 2002. GM Humetsky is not listed in that thread as an ITF Master or Grandmaster. That is not to say that he doesn't hold the rank. Perhaps he just decided not to pay the necessary fees to be listed.
MichiganTKD said:
The National Korean Martial Arts Association was created by Grand Master Timmerman in order to provide serious martial artists of all ranks and styles, who for one reason or another lost their link to a legitimate association, with instruction, registration of rank, meaningful certification, and many other highly desirable services. Furthermore, we promise to do so in a timely manner and at an affordable fee.

So apparently I can join your organization and buy myself a rank. You say it yourself-we accept anyone. So does a prostitute.

I just took the time to read the NKMAA quote you placed in your post, and I see nowhere that I sell rank or accept anyone. Your reading skills are only surpassed by your lack of etiquette and boorish behavior.
glad2bhere said:
BTW: For what it is worth, I am NOT a member of the NKMAA. I have sent a formal letter to Rudy in this regard about 6 weeks ago and fully expect he will be responding as soon as time and resources allow. In the meantime I just wanted you to know that my response hides no "organizational agenda".

Best Wishes,


Hello Bruce:
I have not received any letter, just so you know that my "timely manner" is often hampered by our postal services:(

Master Humesky's ITF and WTF certificates are proudly displayed on the wall of his home, and as I said his home is open to any martial artists who has at least an inkling of class and commonly found martial art respect. No need to do extensive searches, just go see the man. If these organizations awarded their certification to an unworthy person (IMHO that is a laugh in the case of GM Humesky), it is THEIR problem.
I am going to re-iterate what the other esteemed moderator said. Simply because you may not agree with something, or care for something does not give cause to attack it here. Comparing any art, or organization, to a prostitute is uncalled for, and inappropriate behavior for one who is following a martial discipline, with emphasis on discipline.
Again, not to beat a dead horse here, but believe me, I've heard master instructors refer to organizations and schools in terms worse than the terms I use. If "prostitute" is the worst word I used, I don't really see a problem. But again, I have conveyed my opinion and shall let it rest.

One question: Why does Humesky have others defend him? Can he not defend himself?
MichiganTKD said:
Again, not to beat a dead horse here, but believe me, I've heard master instructors refer to organizations and schools in terms worse than the terms I use. If "prostitute" is the worst word I used, I don't really see a problem. But again, I have conveyed my opinion and shall let it rest.

One question: Why does Humesky have others defend him? Can he not defend himself?

As to prostitute. I could say you are a cheap little keyboard warrior who also sells rank. Why because you are in TKD. This means you are nothing more than a Prostitute. Now this would do nothing but get you angry. So, do not justify it however you think it to be correct.

As to defending. He is 80+ something, from the info given here. I was asking for more details.

Is there something wrong to ask the KMA people for more details?

Or do they just prefer to bash other people? From your posts you talk about how good TKD is. You mention that some people do not do it justice. The couple fo people I knew who trained in TKD, could make it work on the street, and they came from Humesky's organization. Some also would say that these couple were not the norm.

Than fine, I ask again, can anyone please provide me with a link or phone number or e-mail so I may ask the questions, that it seems the KMA community will not?

We have some who go ohhh too much on the web site. And, I agree it does not look good. We have another who states he knows the person and has a different positive view.

Like I Said I no longer have any contacts into this community. Would anyone like to invite a person from the UTB to join here? I think it would be additional information.

Can someone answer my questions?

Thank You

Rich Parsons said:
Like I Said I no longer have any contacts into this community. Would anyone like to invite a person from the UTB to join here? I think it would be additional information.

Can someone answer my questions?

Thank You


Hello Rich:
I am not a member of UTB, so I can't really say much about the organization. I met GM Humesky many years ago after one of his students moved and joined one of my schools. This student was an extraordinary kicker who would not need to take a back seat to Bill Wallace. He also spoke very highly of GM Humesky, and he took me to see the man. While most Masters might have been miffed at one of his black belts joining in with another Instructor, GM Humesky encouraged his student to continue training with me and welcomed me with open arms. To me, this spoke volumes about the man... not often an Instructor will put the needs of a student before his own ego. In turn, I encouraged the student to continue his relationship with his old mentor. We both gained.:)

Over the years, and many consequent visits, I got to know GM Humesky better; hence, I felt compelled to share what I knew of the man with you. I have personally seen his certification from both ITF and WTF, and at least the ITF document was signed by General Choi. I knew the late General personally, and I am familiar with his signature. I have no reason to doubt that the WTF document was equally valid. It seems to me if the founders of these orgs. felt he deserved them, it should be good enough for our keyboard warrior. Alas, it seems he prefers to take potshots at people, and I for one will not take the bait (as I am sure GM Humesky won't). In closing, I thank YOU for your patience and genuine interest. Refreshing. :asian:
I do not get angry at being called a "keyboard warrior" because I know better. I know my organization, I know my style, and I know my students. Calling me a keyboard warrior affects me not at all because I know I and they have LEGITIMATELY earned everything given. I also know that at our Tae Kwon Do tests, we had REAL judges judging us. Unlike some organizations, our Tae Kwon Do students were not judged by Kuk Sool Won, Hapkido, and other so-called "Masters" who created their own styles and gave themselves inflated titles to make themselves look good to their students. There were no "Supreme Grandmasters", "Chiefmasters", or "Ultimate Supreme Chief Grandmasters" there.

I attended one of Humesky's classes years ago while at EMU. I must have impressed Humesky enough because he asked me to join his organization with the promise of a 3rd Dan (I was 2nd Dan at the time). He didn't ask me how long I had practiced, or where I practiced.
After seeing how he ran his class and his students, it was not much of a decision. I would rather wait for a 3rd Dan from my organization that may or may not come, than accept a 3rd Dan from this man that would have no meaning.
The conclusion I drew from this was that Humesky was a headhunter who, unable to create students with real technique, solid basics, good form, and legitimate credentials, would try to lure students from legitimate organizations with promises of Dan promotion and recognition. I imagine gullible and impatient students from other organizations who really wanted Dan certificates would fall for this.

Also, when I told him who my Instructor was before class, he became very self righteous and indignant, feeling he had been slighted previously. Apparently he felt offended by my Instructor, but not enough to keep him from asking me to jump ship. Really high class. I'm glad Rudy sees humility in Humesky, because I sure didn't. And believe me, I didn't know the guy. Did not go to his class with the intention of pissing him off.

Besides, if you're going to call me a "keyboard warrior", what about every other person who uses this forum. Are they "keyboard warriors" too?
MichiganTKD said:
. . .
Besides, if you're going to call me a "keyboard warrior", what about every other person who uses this forum. Are they "keyboard warriors" too?

I said I could based upon half information, make those statments. I did not say they were true in all cases. I was looking for more information.

Hence my fourth time I have asked for some how to verify your concern.

You have state in your post that you do not like the Man. This is good information. It gives perspective. It gives a data point of a conversation you had with him.

You seem upset about his rank, I was trying to get to the bottom of it is all.
I'll be honest. I cannot verify or unverify his ranks, and I have no desire to go to his house to see for myself. Certificates and ranks can be forged and faked.

However, based on research into the organizations he claims membership with, and based on individuals he claims allegiance with, I find many of his claims exagerated.

For instance, several of the oragnizations he belongs to are populated by many individuals who claim high rank in styles they founded. Humesky himself claims 9th Dan in the Universal Tae Kwon Do Brotherhood. Doesn't that sound at a LITTLE suspicious? Won Kuk Lee, the founder of Chung Do Kwan never claimed 9th Dan in Chung Do Kwan. It was simply the gym he founded.
On the web sites of the USMA, World Family of Soke, and other sites I have seen that Humesky claims allegiance to, are listed literally dozens of individuals who openly claim to have created their own art and CLAIMED RANK in that art. Isn't it a little fishy when someone claims 10th Dan and proclaims themselves Founder and Grandmaster in that art?

It is not just that Humesky claims Grandmaster status in at least 8 different styles and organizations, it is also that he associates with individuals who claim the same thing.
I was shocked and offended to find this post in a yahoo search. I notice that the original poster has been banned from this forum though.

I know Grandmaster Humesky. He is an honorable gentleman.

I have seen his certificates and they are real.

Any civil martial artist in the Michigan area can meet with him. Email me at utb1528@yahoo.com (or check his website www.utbtaekwondo.us) and I will set up a meeting during business hours.

Eric Shepherd
Mr. Sheperd, dont let the opinion of one person skew your view of martial talk. this is an excellent community with many many excellent martial artists. i had my run ins with michigantkd as well be fore he was banned. he was very...um...passionate about his beliefs. Grandmaster Humesky is an awesome martial artist and definately desrves the titles he has. he sat in on my 5th dahn test in november of 05 and i have nothing but excellent things to say about him. also, for awhile, he was listed as an 8th dahn on the itf canada website. i no longer see his name there, but with the constant upheavel going on with all three itf org's, that doesnt surprise me. he does truly desrve his ranks and as Rudy mentioned earlier in the thread, he comes from a time where martial artists were held to a higher standard.
Dusty, kj
In Master Humesky's defense, he has been around the Michigan Karate Circuit since forever. I have met the man on many occasions- humble is the word that would describe the man. When I broke into the circuit I was chided by tournament judges for having an improper uniform when I went to compete. Master Humesky came to my defense stating clearly that this was an open Karate tournament- therefor any ANY practitioner from Any martial art was welcome to compete. He pointed out to the judges that no where on my uniform was a Korean flag or a karate emblem- that I was a Filipino martial arts competitor. by the Philippine Flag on my uniform. Therefor my uniform was correct for my style and for them to get off their high horse and judge me only on my performance. He sat back down and I competed. I did well. Afterward he appologized for the comments made by the judges and inqiuired further on my style. At that time 1977 he had already been training under Prof Remy Presas and was knowledgable of Guro Dan Inosanto ( something that no other Karate type person even knew of). I have respect for the man, by his actions, by his demeanor, and by his prescence among his peers. I do not know his certifications , I do not know his affiliations. But, I know that since before 1977 he has been an authority in the Michigan Karate Circuit. He is respected by his peers here. I personally don't care for 30 patches on your uniform or silk screened advertising on the backs. But, actions speak louder than words.
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