Union for thee, but not for me (Obama)

I see all those heads hitting the walls in sync, and just start humming "working in the coalmine, goin downtown..." Just a thought, carry on. :rofl:

Well it won't be down British coal mines, Maggie Thatcher the arch Conservative closed them all down!
Well it won't be down British coal mines, Maggie Thatcher the arch Conservative closed them all down!

But she managed to win big, because after all, she broke the evil union. Put 10s of thousands of peolpe out of work, but it was all worth it to break the union. :idunno:
When unions are forced to help, not hurt, the situation:

[h=2]Wisconsins miracle turn around[/h]
I thought the turn around in wisconsin deserved to be highlighted by its own thread.


From the article:

Over the past six months, Wisconsin has been nothing short of a miracle. Newly elected Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans in the majority in Madison got just about everything they wanted during the past legislative session, and a state facing a projected $3 billion budget shortfall with no end in sight now has a projected $300 million budget surplus. The amazing successes in Wisconsin have emboldened the legislatures and political leaders of other states, who have seen the wonders resulting from a little political backbone and fiscal common sense.

The cost savings to Wisconsin school districts are already producing miraculous stories of fiscal recovery and educational improvement. In New Berlin, the school district went from a $3 million deficit to balancing its budget, and actually lowered school property tax by one percent. New Berlin’s director of financial services, Roger Dickson, says that the changes to collective bargaining gave schools the “tools” to plug most of the $3 million hole.
In Kaukauna, Act 10 has allowed the school district to hire additional teachers, and to reduce projected class sizes: 26 students to 23 students at the elementary level, 28 students to 26 students at the intermediate/middle level, and 31 students to 25 students at the high school level. In addition, time is now available for staff to identify and support students needing individual assistance through individual and small group exercises. Act 10 has allowed the district’s projected operating budget to improve from a $400,000 deficit to approximately $1,500,000 in the black. Earmarked in the operating budget are $300,000 related to merit pay, a program being explored for all staff for the 2011-2012 school year. To top it off, Kaukauna is planning to hire more teachers.
Collective bargaining is harmful to schools and students, costs an exorbitant amount of money, and lowers the quality of education. Even some of the most liberal organizations who otherwise support collective bargaining agree that it hurts not only teachers, but students, and our education system as a whole.​
Ah more bumpf, why do we never get reasoned argument and answers to posts just more and more opinions of those who would be tyrants.
Yeah, that whole saving jobs and fixing the Wisconsin economy is right out of the socialist, tyranny play book.
Oh, you must have been speaking that French English they use over there in Europe. I get it now. Why didn't you say so in the first place?
have you EVER found ANY critique of the Obamasiah relevant.....

I think there are more pressing concerns when hiring people to work in the White House, like some basic kind of security clearance...

Oh, right, I am sure Obama made an executive order to not hie union workers....

good grief, find something relevant for a change.

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