Longshore Union Members Threatens News Videographers, destroy property.

Bob Hubbard

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A months-long standoff between union members and a grain terminal in Washington turned violent this week with union members storming the terminal, damaging railcars, cutting brake lines, smashing windows and even dragging a security guard from his car before driving it into a ditch.

Just some emotions getting a little heated. Nothing out of the ordinary.

So it’s not surprising that a union member threatened a KGW television news crew Friday who had come to the union’s headquarters to get their side of the story.

Wait? What?

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union member threatened to have the journalists arrested on trespassing charges while grabbing one of their cameras and insulting them with a long tirade of profanities.
The journalists didn’t need to stick around. They had already gotten their story. Even if it wasn’t the one they had originally planned on.

Stuff like this wouldn't happen if employers would just respect the workers rights to join unions, lose their minds, and blow **** up when they feel like it. Lousy non-union scabs.

The tensions between the longshoremen and the EGT grain terminal stem from the company’s decision to hire outside union workers – which the longshoremen say is a violation of their contract.

Oh, no scabs.

Just jackasses.

(Cowlitz County Sheriff Mark Nelson) said he was "extremely disappointed" that a months-long dispute between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the EGT grain terminal has descended into violence. He lambasted the union for its alleged role in this week's events, during which protesters wielding baseball bats dumped grain from rail cars, smashed windows and intimidated law enforcement officers and security guards.
"This was an organized, large-scale criminal event," Nelson said. "We're talking about sabotage. We're talking about riotous behavior."

Sheriff, that's ok. Just emotions running high, perfectly acceptable. Now look away.

Video and more at the link.

Thank Goddess Unions in the US are in a decline phase. Maybe these criminals will actually see justice for their actions.
Entitlement babies. They should all be fired and prosecuted. Where were the dogs and fire hoses to help control this crowd of deadbeats?

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