Uniform change?

White belt-purple belt - all white gi.
Blue belt-green belt - may wear either all white or all blue gi.
Brown belt-black belt - may wear all black, all blue, or all white.
Black Belt instructors - may wear gi in whatever color combinations they want.

In the summers, we wear the appropriate colored gi pants and club t-shirts.
White to Green - White Top/Black pants

Brown and up - All Black
White Gi's til blue-with a few exceptions at purple for starting to learn to teach.
Black gi's from blue on.

Heavyweight Juka Gold preferred.
White Uniform for the begineers to green belt

Black uniform for green thru brown
At 2nd kyu they can mix and match
Red uniform at Black belt (preferred Hvy weight is the Kwon self defense Gi, heavy, reinforced, cut large, and reasonably priced)
All black until black belt, then whatever you want. I do allow gi pants and a t-shirt, provided the shirt is white, black, gray, or a kenpo shirt.
KenpoDave said:
All black until black belt, then whatever you want. I do allow gi pants and a t-shirt, provided the shirt is white, black, gray, or a kenpo shirt.

Are there any requirements for the checkered gi anymore? My instructor still wears his (original) checkered gi in the fighting divisions. I've heard that in the past there was an X (different number based who I talk to) win requirement before being allowed to wear that gi.

Hi Samantha,

First I do not require uniforms for beginning students with no previous experience for the first month. Month 2 forward they may purchase a gi white or black. We also workout with street clothes often.

Dave Simmons
Twin Dragon Kenpo Karate
white gi untill your a bb, then all black. in the summer your allowed to wear the club t-shirt instead of your gi top.
During lesson times all underbelts wear black on black in the winter months. Come summer they wear black pants and a school t-shirt. Belts tied to the side of their gender at all times.

Instructors wear whatever they want. Sometimes red on black, but usually black on black too, whatever is clean. Who's going to argue with them...? Belts tied in the center.

Usually tournaments dictate the attire.
I forgot to also add that my current instructor has us work out in anything comfortable that is appropriate to sweat in. no special uniforms or ranking.

The unifrom code I had posted was for my students, not my instructor's students (like myself)
We are very flexible in the home school of the MSU. Below brown can wear anything they want as long as its a plain clean white uniform with proper patch placement, and the belt of rank. From Brown to forever, it's plain black with proper patch placement and no stripes allowed on the belt rank. if you want everyone to know your rank - than look really good when you're in class.
someone mentioned checkered gis... at my studio, those are awarded to only the best fighters, and they only wear them to tournaments - if then. No 'requirement' to earn them - some instructors don't have them, and maybe they never will.
At Bryan Hawkins' Kenpo Karate Studio we wear white uniforms from white belt through green belt. From brown belt on we wear black uniforms.

Doc said:
We are very flexible in the home school of the MSU. Below brown can wear anything they want as long as its a plain clean white uniform with proper patch placement, and the belt of rank. From Brown to forever, it's plain black with proper patch placement and no stripes allowed on the belt rank. if you want everyone to know your rank - than look really good when you're in class.
Thank you Doc,

Back to simplicity and classy.......Now all we have to do is set up a dress code for the judges at the Kenpo and open tournaments....Certifying them properly would help too.

kenmpoka said:
Thank you Doc,

Back to simplicity and classy.......Now all we have to do is set up a dress code for the judges at the Kenpo and open tournaments....Certifying them properly would help too.

I tried that already and got in trouble, so you know I agree with you.:)
Wow! Did not realize there were so many variations of when one could change gi's!

Our school it is all white till purple, then you had the option to wear all black.
At 3rd dan I believe, you can then wear a lack top with white pants or black pants with a white top...most choose the latter.
Of course, in the summer time, we can wear club shirts with our gi bottoms and obi, and the same is true for sparring classes.
Always worn a black gi in Kenpo from white to black belt. In TKD however, I remember wearing a white gi, and all out traditional white gi, but upon reaching black wearing a v neck gi with the collar being black.