We also have classes where we wear only street clothes. Students come in wearing what they would normally go out on the town in. Jeans, dress pants, (though no women have come in party dresses as of yet hahaa) This is the only time we allow shoes cross the 'line'. A few seams have ripped *chuckles* but hey it shows the student what it feels like to kick etc in their normal garb. Thank goodness we don't have any 'wiggers'~!! I have no clue how they keep their pants up much less trying to kick in those huge legged pants~! *G* Girls have found platform shoes not to be conducive to anything, running, kicking etc.. they now have adopted flats in real time.~!
Ghi's are great for androgynous uniforms. As long as the student can break the mind bend that it's not the 'magic' of the ghi that creates the martial artist but the martial artist is whom they are naked or clothed.
Adjusting a ghi in respect is fine. turning your back to your instructor and doing so is great. ( we do that after warmups and before greeting our Instructors.
What I have issues with is whilst sparring someone.. and they stop in the middle of the match and fuss with their top etc, smoothing things down.. well that's rather silly to me. who cares if the top or belt is off kilter during a technique or sparring? Their concentration should be on much more important matters ..
Just my thoughts
Ghi's are great for androgynous uniforms. As long as the student can break the mind bend that it's not the 'magic' of the ghi that creates the martial artist but the martial artist is whom they are naked or clothed.
Adjusting a ghi in respect is fine. turning your back to your instructor and doing so is great. ( we do that after warmups and before greeting our Instructors.
What I have issues with is whilst sparring someone.. and they stop in the middle of the match and fuss with their top etc, smoothing things down.. well that's rather silly to me. who cares if the top or belt is off kilter during a technique or sparring? Their concentration should be on much more important matters ..
Just my thoughts
