Understanding Psychic Energy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rommel
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I have worked with Derren a couple of times, and he is a very skilled "pcsyologist" (sp) as it put it. He uses NLP techniques and knows the mind very well - or "mind games" as he calls them. As he demonstrates it is very easy to get into peoples mind, once you can tune into their "speed" of thought processes and use word triggers to 'guide' them.

And he still hasnt made me give up smoking !!

Unfortunetly he is not that well known for his painting - which are brilliant - he does have a website but I dont have the url.

Taking advantage of reflexes and predictable behaviour I can accept but psychic energy?

Unless you're talking about Darren and whatever he calls PE, I suspect you've changed the definition that MR uses, which would be the part of the above sentence before the 'but'.

Not all reflexes are gross motor reflexes either.

I would be very sceptical of these techniques working in a real world situation.

Again, not sure if you're talking about MR, but sometimes they work, and when they don't, he does something else - just like the rest of systema.
Originally posted by Kingston
nice post rommel. I remember when i watched the beyond the physical tape. Very intresting stuff.

the DVD doesn't have any new stuff on it does it?
The DVD cover claims an additional 25 minutes of material.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Rich is right, thanks to the way some people have promoted Systema in the past here, there is a lot of scepticism and dismissal (the editor of one magazine has dubbed us as "the jedis of the martial arts world".) It's a real shame, as we know how much VV and MR have to offer. Hopefully that will change in the future.

Rich - I went to a couple of Rich Mooney events a few years back, sounds like we have the same idea about what he is doing ;-)
Did you ever see Peter Young as well, a real "empty force" master!

To my mind all the CMA guys I saw working empty force were using psychological principles rather than projecting energy.

I'm visiting MR in Moscow in a couple of weeks and this is one aspect of his work I am keen to ask questions on. I'll report back on what he says.
Originally posted by RobP
Rich - I went to a couple of Rich Mooney events a few years back, sounds like we have the same idea about what he is doing ;-)
Did you ever see Peter Young as well, a real "empty force" master!

To my mind all the CMA guys I saw working empty force were using psychological principles rather than projecting energy.

Hi Rob,

I trained kung fu with Peter for a couple of years, before he went much deeper into neijia/Buddhist teaching. It was my chance to see it close-up, and the source of a deal of my scepticism. His kung fu, though, was excellent; I found it a shame that he moved away from it.

In fact, I saw a taiji demonstration of yours in Newcastle at a seminar run by him, refreshingly short of energy projection. :) Not heard anything of him recently, I assume he's gone into full-time Buddhist teaching.

I think many of the exponents really believe in what they are doing, and it's a very attractive idea that there really is magic out there, but I think in the long run it harms credibility within the martial arts community. It's good that there are people working to show the applied benefits of Russian martial arts!
Hey Rommel. I salute ya man. One thing that stands out, is the fact that you're a Christian. That's awesome man. I myself am trying to follow Christ. I keep messing things up though. But yeah, the Psycic energy is so huge, it's hard to describe. I guess you really don't understand until you feel it. Looks good on videos though too. Hehe.
My first experience of "psychic energy" was actually some 25 years ago when I was learning aikido. There's a whole body of techniques known as "no touch throws" that we played with that are essentially the same as Systema's psychic energy work, but typically less sophisticated and more limited-- and no real theory behind what we were doing was presented, other than that we were leading the opponent's ki or mind in such a way that he was throwing himself.

One of the main techniques involved sidestepping a punch, for example, and then imagining you had a big custard pie in your right hand. You were to "slap that pie right in his face." If you really imagined it, it worked pretty well almost all the time. You'd get a reactive head tilt typically by the time your hand was about four inches from your partner's face. The next variation on that theme was to "slide the pie up his head" after you "hit" your opponent with it to further excentuate the reactive head tilt.

Then there was the raising of the hands accompanied by an inhalation right as the opponent was striking at you, followed immediately when you sensed your opponent's reactive body rising to falling into a ball right at your opponent's feet to provoke his falling over you. It was a version of Mikhail's
presenting an obsticle" to the opponent.

Not much else was presented beyond these two techniques. As I said, it was very limited compared to the improvisations Vladimir did on me the very first time I managed to work with him. With Vladimir I had what a call a "what the hell?!!!" experience where my brain simply stopped working for a few moments regardless of my conscious intent to move.

I never experienced that in aikido, I can say that! Even the few times I uke-d for Koichi Tohei.

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