Underage Drinking

Your First Drink

  • Under 21

  • Under 18

  • Under 16

  • I liked it

  • I hated it

  • I don't drink and never will

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
How old were you when you had your first taste of alcohol?? Did you like it??
I think it was 17--senior year of high school--when a friend had some J.D. No, I didn't like it--never have. When I do drink socially I usually prefer to have something candy-flavoured like schnapps or one of those ice cream drinks like at TGIF's; when I drink wine my favorite is port or ice wine (which is very sugary), but I drink the red wine for the health benefits.
Crap !!!!! I gotta re-edit the poll so folks can make multiple votes
I was 13, beer, and it was nasty! Then I had peppermint shnaps with hot cocoa after than, and loved it....quit drinking at 30 years old.
I think it was 17--senior year of high school--when a friend had some J.D. No, I didn't like it--never have. When I do drink socially I usually prefer to have something candy-flavoured like schnapps or one of those ice cream drinks like at TGIF's; when I drink wine my favorite is port or ice wine (which is very sugary), but I drink the red wine for the health benefits.
I use to like the "pink" wine from Olive Garden. It was sweet, too.
When my mom and step-dad were married, they had a keg at the reception. After the reception was over, my brother and I snuck beers from it. I thought it was one of the worst things I'd ever put in my mouth. I think I was around 8 at the time.

Fast forward to 16 and I discovered vodka. Totally different story. :)
I think I was 16

By 18, I was a real beer snob, you know, only drinking Henry's and Bud Dry. :D Then I went to college and my standards went down.... I also couldn't drink tequila until I was 27 because of a Cuervo uh, encounter when I was 18.

Now I only drink once in a blue moon, mostly wine and in the holiday season hot buttered rum or something similar.
Depends on what "first drink" means, I guess. Mine was one of those families where I got a glass of wine with holiday dinner at about 13 or so.

"First drunk" didn't come too much later, clandestinely, at 14-but hey, I was in boarding school. Drinking age was 18, then, and I looked every bit of it-I didn't get proofed much until I was well past 21, and it had become more of an issue, and between 14-18, I had fake i.d.

Needless to say, I liked a drink or two-still do.:drinkbeer
In common with some of the above, my first encounters with alcohol were at weddings. My folks would let me try a sip or two of something - I think they used reverse psychology on me and gave me a bit of Guiness - as a young 'teen that was YEUK!

At 17 I had my first serious drink when a mate of mine sneaked a bottle of superlative (aka cheap rot-gut) red wine out of his parents house. We sat on a hillside playing guitars and split the bottle between us. It was okay-ish but the memory persists more from being more than a little trepidatious that my dad would find out than anything else :lol:.

Other than that I was a good lad and only started drinking and finding out what I liked to drink when I was of legal age (which is 18 over here in Blighty).

Nowadays I suppose I would be classed as quite a drinker by the nanny-state medical advisors as I imbibe around the recommended weekly intake limit. High quality white wines are my glass of choice - which reminds me, I must order some more given that Christmas is coming and the wine fridge is looking a bit bare.
I remember having someone buy a bottle of Boones Farm Apple wine...$2.10 a bottle..and a bad hangover....
My buddy's kid ( 6) was forever attempting to steal his drink...One Christmas he let take it and the kid chuged a dbl shot 7 and 7...He was in the bathroom a while later...I don't think he drinks to this day...
My buddy's kid ( 6) was forever attempting to steal his drink...One Christmas he let take it and the kid chuged a dbl shot 7 and 7...He was in the bathroom a while later...I don't think he drinks to this day...
It's a good way to deter wanna-be drinkers that's for sure.

I must've been about 7 when my grandfather gave me a shot of whiskey to help with a case of the sniffles I had while we were visiting... of course "don't tell your grandmother :wink2: " I remember that I loved it from the word GO! I am after all of Scotch/Irish descent! :uhyeah:

Later at about 15 I was at a party that my older brother was forced to take me to (if he wanted to borrow the car he had to drag his baby brother along :rolleyes: ) his friends thought it'd be funny to start plying me with beer, since my brother was off somewhere playing Don Juan with some of the girls at the party. I didn't mind the taste of it because it was ice cold (the way I remember beer tastes best at). Later they snuck me some ganja to try out and I fell in love with THAT too... then again later at the same night I lost my virginity to one of the sophomore cheerleaders ... talk about a triple play! :uhyeah:

I've since recovered from those days and been clean and sober almost 20 years... of course I'm still addicted to the third thing (though not necessarily sophomore cheerleaders -- I think I'd go to jail if I ever tried THAT again) ... don't know if I'll ever kick THAT habit! :D :D :D I KNOW I don't want to either. :lol:

But honestly... I do think that 21 should be the minimum legal drinking age. There's a lot to be said for having some maturity, which at 21 is more than at 18, to handle the effects of alcohol.
I first tried a sip of beer I think around 5 or so. I don't mind the taste till about 3 beers and warm beer then it starts to taste terrible.

I only have been drunk once and I hated it the feeling.

I thought why would people want to feel like this for fun.

I use to like drinking Vodka had a good taste. Now a days I don't drink at all.
How old were you when you had your first taste of alcohol?? Did you like it??

I had my first drink when I was 14-15 years old. Rum and cokes. I liked it. Got tipsy and played darts with my brother in law. No harm done IMO. Didn't drink again until I was 18-19 years old. I got drunk as all hell and had a great time... until I puked my guts out.
Ah... to be young and stupid.
-Brings back a memory or two, doesn't it? I remember being 7 years old and sitting inbetween my father and my step-mother on their bed, watching television. My father was drinking 12-Horse draft or something, some beer from the Genessee Brewery in Rochester, NY, and he gave me a sip of it. 21 years later, I still don't consume alcohol. That sip, plus probably being the only kid that the D.A.R.E. program worked on, has kept me off imbibing my whole life. Just remember a big cop standing in front of the class telling us not to do drugs. (Had an effect;) Now occasionally I have cigar and drink lots of caffeine but that seems pretty minor.

-I know many people who didn't really start drinking until they were well into their 20s, some not til their 30s. Guess I've just seen too many bad things to ever want to start. I have no idea what kind of a drunk I would be. The interest to find out has never materialized.

Wine at Sunday dinner is an Italian tradition. Used to get a small glass starting in my early teens.