
I had an educator tell me the Us no longer owns the Statue of Liberty, The Grand Canyon and a large portion of Utah. He told me the US gave them to the UN as a gift of loyalty.

Does anyone have any information in support, or against this tragedy?
I had an educator tell me the Us no longer owns the Statue of Liberty, The Grand Canyon and a large portion of Utah. He told me the US gave them to the UN as a gift of loyalty.
Maybe he was referring to this?
In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's list of World Heritage Sites.
Personally, I would like the US to boot the UN the hell out of our country. I agree that there should be a body that international disputes and other housekeeping duties (like radio freq. distress calls, etc...) should cover, but as for having the UN "headquarted" in the US, let them find a country that is a bunch of candy-arses that wouldn't mind having them (France maybe.)

I actually think that Switzerland would be a good place. They are well known for their neutrality.
The UN headquarters in NYC needs to be Torn Down, and we ought not continue to be members at all, because as has been pointed out, for all the $$ we give we get nothing but grief, and the UN has outright stated they have no respect for our 2nd amendment which is an extremely serious No-No where I am concerned. If we help them, but they badmouth us, AND work toward eroding our rights, that we should dispose of them is a foregone conclusion to any American who cares.
Recently, the UN threatened to kick the US out if they did not yield to signing and enforcing a gun ban treaty. A treaty enforceable by the UN.

The US did not sign. It would appear the UN did not kick the US out.

Are hollow threats good leadership?
All right then, to put a better perspective on exactly why everyone here should be looking at the UN with a SERIOUS hairy eyeball:

We are all martial artists.

We most of us , I think it's safe to assume, are concerned with/believe strongly in self defense.

Speaking for myself, i believe self defense to be a fundamental human right.

Do YOU guys think so?

The UN doesn't think so:


Quote:20. Self-defence is a widely recognized, yet legally proscribed, exception to the universal duty to respect the right to life of others. Self-defence is a basis for exemption from criminal responsibility that can be raised by any State agent or non-State actor. Self-defence is sometimes designated as a “right”. There is inadequate legal support for such an interpretation. Self-defence is more properly characterized as a means of protecting the right to life and, as such, a basis for avoiding responsibility for violating the rights of another.

Think Carefully......
That sounds like the CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention) program in place in my school district, which is 80-90% talking the student down, with the 10-20% remaining being restraint training - the key facet is not injuring the student, who, by definition, is out of control; otherwise, the student would not need to be restrained... concern about njury to staff comes after potential injury to the student who is out of control or other students in the area.

I find this line "the universal duty to respect the right to life of others" particularly interesting... what about my respect for my own life, and the lives of those I may be defending?
it is a innate human right to defend him/herself, property, beliefs and the lives of others.

At what point does a government, or organization become tyrannical?
You'r right... for now the UN is more slimey... they're slippin in...
They try to guil people into beleiving what they preach.
It will come though. the world wil fall to the evil we invited in under the guise of doing what is right.
So are you gonna let your negative feelings stop you, or are you ( and everyone else) gonna take that link I gave you and post it on every MA/SD related forum you frequent( I'm gonna!)

Gets tougher to beguile folks if they've already been shown the truth, it does.
Roman matrons used to say to their sons: 'Come back with your shield, or on it.'

That was the Spartans
Actually, if you read the entire quote, it was Lazarus Long, a character who appears in several novels by Robert Heinlein; I was quoting the author for the concept, not historical accuracy.
Nations uniting to work together is a something that I respect and appreciate.

But what I am seeing in this thread bothers me a lot.
Nations uniting to work together is a something that I respect and appreciate.

But what I am seeing in this thread bothers me a lot.

As do I. However; I cannot get the images of worse than useless U.N. forces during the Bosnian War of 1992-1995 out of my mind. It was only after individual powers such as the U.S. and U.K. acted unilaterally that the war was ended. We need some sort of international body to air grievances and plan multi-national relief efforts - but the U.N. is not it, IMO.
As do I. However; I cannot get the images of worse than useless U.N. forces during the Bosnian War of 1992-1995 out of my mind. It was only after individual powers such as the U.S. and U.K. acted unilaterally that the war was ended. We need some sort of international body to air grievances and plan multi-national relief efforts - but the U.N. is not it, IMO.

Or the hideous washing-of-hands in the Rwandan genocidal horror. Or the systematic refusal to protect the Kurds from both Turkish and Iranian military action. Or Darfur. Or....

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