UK home defence


You were presumably in a fight with someone and the police were called. You just see it from your side but when police get a complaint how do they know who to believe when they know nothing of the circumstances, reasons or the persons involved. Most people think the police should believe them before the other person but in reality why should they until the facts have been established. You feel aggrieved because you think the police should have magically seen you were in the right, but it simply cannot work that way.
No I was driving home from visiting my gran, when they stopped my car, I had no id, I have my name and,adress And they checked me on the pnc, which Gave, no return as I have no criminal record, they then arrested me for giving false details, as they believed I looked the"sort you've a criminal record, which was largely down to my driving an old car And not the sort of car someone at the post address I lived at would have And having a criminals face, allegedly ?
No I was driving home from visiting my gran, when they stopped my car, I had no id, I have my name and,adress And they checked me on the pnc, which Gave, no return as I have no criminal record, they then arrested me for giving false details, as they believed I looked the"sort you've a criminal record, which was largely down to my driving an old car And not the sort of car someone at the post address I lived at would have And having a criminals face, allegedly ?

Again though this is your version, you are outraged and can't see why you would be stopped. The chances are there was far more to it than you think. The guff about 'your sort' was probably just talk to cover why they thought you were sus, they obviously don't want you knowing if they had info on you and from where. Are you sure no one dobbed you in? You may never know but I would take a very good guess there's more to this than it's seems. I would suggest they were actually looking out for you. Ask yourself who would do that.
Again though this is your version, you are outraged and can't see why you would be stopped. The chances are there was far more to it than you think. The guff about 'your sort' was probably just talk to cover why they thought you were sus, they obviously don't want you knowing if they had info on you and from where. Are you sure no one dobbed you in? You may never know but I would take a very good guess there's more to this than it's seems. I would suggest they were actually looking out for you. Ask yourself who would do that.
No as soon a my wife turned up In the jag,with my photo is they let me go , I'm not a criminal type, I wasAt that time employed by a petrochemical company as an environmental manager, , previously Id been employed by an EU development agency working in Jordan,,( and they serious Vet, you) this thing your developed that I openly dislike the police as I'm a criminal is just fantasy, Decent law abiding people hate them as well. They pulled me up and arrested me for no other reAson than I looked poor, as the wife had the jag and I was numbing about in a very old astra And they didn't believe that someone driving an old car lived in the big posh estate with the footballers
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No as soon a my wife turned up In the jag,with my photo is they let me go , I'm not a criminal type, I wasAt that time employed by a petrochemical company as an environmental manager, , previously Id been employed by an EU development agency working in Jordan,,( and they serious Vet, you) this thing your developed that I openly dislike the police as I'm a criminal is just fantasy, Decent law abiding people hate them as well. They pulled me up and arrested me for no other reAson than I looked poor, as the wife had the jag and I was numbing about in a very old astra And they didn't believe that someone driving an old car lived in the big posh estate with the footballers

That's fits your ideas but I very much doubt that's the case. Sweetie, someone doesn't like you and fitted you up.

As for everyone hating the police that's a nonsense and you know it.
No as soon a my wife turned up In the jag,with my photo is they let me go , I'm not a criminal type, I wasAt that time employed by a petrochemical company as an environmental manager, , previously Id been employed by an EU development agency working in Jordan,,( and they serious get you) this thing your developed that I openly dislike the police as I'm a criminal is just fantasy, Decent law abiding people hate them as well. They pulled me up and arrested me for no other reAson than I looked poor, as the wife had the jag and I was numbing about in a very old astra
That's fits your ideas but I very much doubt that's the case. Sweetie, someone doesn't like you and fitted you up.

As for everyone hating the police that's a nonsense and you know it.
Fitted me up for what, ? , they let me go once they had established I was a middle class professional, i didn't say every hates the poli c, most peOPLe just dislike them, but quite a few hate them.
Fitted you up to be stopped by the police, it screams the police being told to look out for you. Play the victim by all means and think the police picked on you because you look iffy but I promise you, someone phoned up gave them your details and you were stopped.

Keep thinking people dislike the police, you're wrong but you don't usually let that stop you. :rolleyes:
I used to get stopped all the time.

Young guy in a big car out late seems to equal a reason to be stopped.

6 times in one night is my record ;)

Going against the popular advice, I always carried some documentation and never had an issue (over and above the hassle of being stopped that is).

When I had a loud exhaust, I also used to carry an excerpt from the construction and use regulations along with a sound pressure level meter in the glove box - that way when I got stopped I could prove my car was 2db under the legal noise limit rather than have the trouble (after the first time) of a defect notice nobody was able to sign...

I can't say it ever gave me cause for dislike or hatred of the police though.
Fitted you up to be stopped by the police, it screams the police being told to look out for you. Play the victim by all means and think the police picked on you because you look iffy but I promise you, someone phoned up gave them your details and you were stopped.

Keep thinking people dislike the police, you're wrong but you don't usually let that stop you. :rolleyes:
I know people dislike the police, you can always tell the policeman at the party, stood on his own like he has a smelly fish in his pocket,Even people who work for the tax man won't talk to them,heLl even policemen don't like policemen
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I used to get stopped all the time.

Young guy in a big car out late seems to equal a reason to be stopped.

6 times in one night is my record ;)

Going against the popular advice, I always carried some documentation and never had an issue (over and above the hassle of being stopped that is).

When I had a loud exhaust, I also used to carry an excerpt from the construction and use regulations along with a sound pressure level meter in the glove box - that way when I got stopped I could prove my car was 2db under the legal noise limit rather than have the trouble (after the first time) of a defect notice nobody was able to sign...

I can't say it ever gave me cause for dislike or hatred of the police though.
Have you got any close friends who are policemen, ? Very few people have,
I know people dislike the police, you can always tell the policeman at the party, stood on his own like he has a smelly fish in his pocket,Even people who work for the tax man won't talk to them,heLl even policemen don't like policemen

You do have issues don't you?
You do have issues don't you?

Ah, leave it alone Tez3. You act like you think he is paranoid. I personally don't think so. I think everyone does dislike him. ;) :D

Frankly, there are indeed policemen, at least in the USA who are not likable. Some have always been like that and drifted in to police work to satisfy their itch, and others who weren't so and wanted to serve others, have become so because of job experiences. But I think most are good people who want to serve their fellow citizens.

For those who may have run across only the unlikable police people, sorry for you. Look around and you should find more who are good and likable people. If you are totally unable to do that, start looking at yourself a little more closely.
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Sorry to rev this again, but i think there was a incident of someone using a sabre for home defence in the U.K, the breif summary (as i wont be able to find the source tonight but will addendum, it in) Someone broke into someones home with some form of improv bat, he was fended off twice without a cut being made then on a third return he was cut by the sabre. if memory serves me right.

I have no idea how that ended but i don't think the home owner was charged and/or convicted of anything.
Sorry to rev this again, but i think there was a incident of someone using a sabre for home defence in the U.K, the breif summary (as i wont be able to find the source tonight but will addendum, it in) Someone broke into someones home with some form of improv bat, he was fended off twice without a cut being made then on a third return he was cut by the sabre. if memory serves me right.

I have no idea how that ended but i don't think the home owner was charged and/or convicted of anything.
not seen it on any of the news feeds, post it up
Experience: I fought off a burglar with a sword

I believe this is the one. I haven't looked into it much. Of the quick skim i dont think there is a mention of him getting charged and the sword was just removed to check the legality under English law.
Assuming the story is factual, which seem the case, I commend the gentleman. I am puzzled where the line is for defending yourself, you family, and your possessions. I hope the homeowner could end such a confrontation quicker, even if it meant more brutal, in the U.S. Just seem like there was tons of just cause there.
Assuming the story is factual, which seem the case, I commend the gentleman. I am puzzled where the line is for defending yourself, you family, and your possessions. I hope the homeowner could end such a confrontation quicker, even if it meant more brutal, in the U.S. Just seem like there was tons of just cause there.
the lines are clear as mud, there are situation like the one in the sword case where they are " reasonably " clear, but after chasing him to the garden carrying a sword even those get blurry if he had inflicted a serious injury. what's really unclear I mean really really unclear is the protection of possessions, where there is no threat to the person. causing serious injury to someone who is in the middle of stealing your car or walking out with your tv will be very very hard to justi , so going out of the safety of your home to protect your car and knocking him out cold with a wheel brace or sneaking up being someone leaving your house carrying your 50' plasma and hitting them with rolling pin would most likely see you in a bit of bother.
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Experience: I fought off a burglar with a sword

I believe this is the one. I haven't looked into it much. Of the quick skim i dont think there is a mention of him getting charged and the sword was just removed to check the legality under English law.
well that the police being wrong, owning a samari sword is quite legal,importing selling etc is not, unless it's a genuine samari sword where is quite legal all round.

this issue isn't the sword, it's what he did with it, which seems very defensive and quite reasonable, having gone after him, if he had run him through with it, he might had had a good bit more explaining to do
well that the police being wrong, owning a samari sword is quite legal,importing selling etc is not, unless it's a genuine samari sword where is quite legal all round.

this issue isn't the sword, it's what he did with it, which seems very defensive and quite reasonable, having gone after him, if he had run him through with it, he might had had a good bit more explaining to do

if you read the article and understood it, there was no where that the the writer said the police told him 'Samurai' swords are illegal, the writer himself puts 'some are illegal', in brackets to explain. You then wrote 'importing, selling is not legal....etc',however selling replica swords even 'Samurai' one is completely legal you can buy them on Amazon and Ebay as well as other sites. Swords, Blades UK, Sword, knives, Martial Arts, Samurai, Samuri, Lord Rings, Movie Collectables
imported ones. Swords, Blades UK, Sword, knives, Martial Arts, Samurai, Samuri, Lord Rings, Movie Collectables

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