It's necessary because if they believe that the garbage they see is the real thing, it gives us all a black eye.
It hasn't blackened my eyes at all. So, I am to understand that you equate things such as "sports karate" and "XMA" as evil because they make you feel that people think less of you, and that they are stealing your prospective students? Well enough.
I think that I need to speak up for a very selfish reason. I want to look in the mirror and know that the guy looking back at me is doing his best for those all around him in this world. I do not want to think of myself as the type of person who would look the other way when a woman is raped, or hold back when the right thing needed to be done.
Don, I can agree with your general sentiment, but I think that comparing "sensei Bob and his secret sword techniques" to a woman being raped is not only a bit much, it is also a bit rude and insensitive. I know a young lady that was raped, and I seriously doubt that she would equate her trauma with fraudulent martial arts instruction.
I think exposing those that make up their lineage and try to pass off garbage as legitimate technique is a good thing. This gives those that are interested in research another opportunity to learn reality when they begin searching the internet. However, and this is a rather large however in my personal opinion, it is easy to go too far. There are those that get very upset and angry because "sensei Billy Joe Bob" lied about his experience, even though the fraud actually has nothing to do with the person getting upset at all. There are also those that spend much time hunting on the internet to find video and pictures of people that obviously have no idea what they are doing. They proudly display them and, virtually speaking, stand around and point and laugh to make themselves feel better. Both of these groups are missing the point, in my opinion. The point is that we should be training hard in order to improve ourselves. We should not be worried about how others view us, nor should we try and boost ourselves by putting others down. I see too much of both of these on the various martial arts forums.
A final thought from my own experiences ...
There is a corner McDojo not far from me. It's a large space in a strip mall. The head instructor is the type that gets laughed at all the time by traditional martial artists. He's a member of the World Head of Family Sokeship Council, and has been "inducted" into half a dozen of the "Martial Arts Hall of Fames". I have actually seen him working with another instructor of his. He was a great kicker, but the rest of his martial arts, most especially the sword stuff that I saw, was absolutely horrible. He makes the vast majority of his money from kids. His classes are filled with kids from 8 to 18. When I was watching (he's next to my dentist so I've watched quite a bit over the years), the kids were working hard for him. He really seemed to be getting them motivated, and one of the Mom's that was watching with me said he's been great with her kids ever since they started 18 months ago, and they just love him. She told me that her two kids in the class (11 and 13) used to spend all of their time watching TV or playing video games. Now they come to class whenever she'll take them, and they practice together at home. So, were these kids learning a real martial art or learning any self defense? Seriously doubtful! But, it's also seriously doubtful that they'll ever need to physically defend themselves. Was going to fake martial arts classes better than what they would have been doing? Absolutely! Their Mom told me that they previously went to a Wado ryu karatedo dojo, (that instructor is the real deal and both highly skilled and qualified) but it was too difficult and her kids didn't like it.
This fellow is obviously a fake and a fraud. The instruction that he's handing out has been invented by him in order fill his dojo with students and make him money. People like that should be discussed on the internet so anyone researching them and their art will have information. But, would shutting him down be best for society? Does his dojo deserve to be held up as equal to rape? Everyone needs to make their own decisions on those questions. However, I feel that they are not decisions that should be made without hard thinking about what truly motivates us.