An irrelevant argument, because at this point the influence of western boxing and Muay Thai on modern Sanshou is pretty obvious.
No, it isn't "obvious" at all-they may or may not be, as individuals or teams, utilizing some western boxing or Muay Thai methodology, but-unless you watch them train-you really can't tell from the fights, anyway: they may be training in wing chun for their "boxing," and grappling. Or tai chi for both Or some shuai chao and some Fukien style (that looks a lot like that kurotty stuff...

A person praciticing Sanshou today is practicing Sanshou under the influence of those outside influences.
Maybe they are, maybe they aren't-one could argue that person practicing any martial art today is practicing under the influence of outside arts:the conditioning methods of western boxing are excellent for all forms of sport-combat, and all it would take for some (like you!) is to see a jump rope and say, Ooh,ooh, oohh, western boxing!

This is compounded on the fact that Sanshou isn't traditional CMA in the first place, which is the point of the OP.
Didn't see anything I'd remember in the OP about Sanshou-of course, that was eight years ago, so maybe I should take another look.

And because it's a "modern sport form of" Chinese Martial Arts, it has to be influenced by Muay Thai and western boxing????Sanshou is clearly a modern sport form of CMAs, just like Judo is a modern sport form of traditional Jujutsu.