From what I see overall, it seems that the TMA people are more willing to open their minds. They tend to be more willing to acknowledge the abilities that the MMA people have. But the MMA people, or at least the more vocal ones here, seem unwilling to acknowledge the abilities that the TMA people have.
I'm gonna disagree... a little...
I think both sides are equally as self-righteous.
For as many MMA supporters who completely reject Traditional styles, there are Traditional stylists claiming the opposite.
The thing that frustrates me in these arguments is almost always that everyone tries to use the same metric for the comparison. And that, is MMA. Ok, not everybody, but there are more then enough examples of traditional stylists that have never even sparred with intentional contact to the face telling everyone how there stuff is superior, and a elbow to the back will KO a wrestler as they shoot, or some such nonsense. Often with pictures or video as well, with the "MMA guy" being played by someone who, from there technique, has apparently never even seen a takedown done.
I also think that overall MMA stylists are more open minded. But, it takes more convincing. You got to get on the mat and show us that it works, on a live person, in a live situation, otherwise skeptisism kicks in and it gets tossed over in the pile with the No touch chi KO.
Where as a lot of traditional stylists are more willing to believe in something not because of the demonstration against a live person, but rather the history behind it, or the lineage of the teacher.
Both sides are equally wrong IMO, but different people will see it different, because lets face it, we are all biased towards the way we do things, and the way we think they "should" be done.