U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise
By LOREN STEFFY Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle EXCERPT:
June 8, 2010, 10:13PM

Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.

It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.

The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,'” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.

Now, almost seven weeks later, as the oil spewing from the battered well spreads across the Gulf and soils pristine beaches and coastline, BP and our government have reconsidered.

U.S. ships are being outfitted this week with four pairs of the skimming booms airlifted from the Netherlands and should be deployed within days. Each pair can process 5 million gallons of water a day, removing 20,000 tons of oil and sludge.

At that rate, how much more oil could have been removed from the Gulf during the past month?

The uncoordinated response to an offer of assistance has become characteristic of this disaster's response. Too often, BP and the government don't seem to know what the other is doing, and the response has seemed too slow and too confused.
I'd use a string of cuss words but this is not the place to use it....

Is there anything Obama can do right? Is there any management principle that Obama even understands?

Is he stuck on stupid or just stuck up? Never have I ever heard of a CEO ignore help from a company that has expertise in the very problem that has cropped up! Are we even sure Obama has the U.S.A.Â’s interest at heart? He is acting like either the most stupid person ever to hold office or the most willfully malicious one.

He does not talk to the CEO of BP, he refuses expertise from experts on the subject (yet he says he talks to ‘real experts’ all the time so he can ‘kick ***’.)

I hear they said he might drop Biden from VP slot when he goes for re-election. Well tell you what, the way he is going he wonÂ’t even win the primary of his own party.

The pessimist in me says the Obama administration was going to exploit this enviromental catastrophe from the begining.


Of course they said no thanks to the Dutch. A prompt effective response would only minimize their real intention. Continued demonization of "Big OiL" and limiting domestic off shore domestic drilling in general. Heck, they only drill in the deepest waters to satisfy enviormentalist. A shallow water well would be easier to maintain.

Rahm Emanuel speaks for the administration.
Do you guys want to know why Obama turned them down?

Turns out UNIONS!!!

Yes, there is a law against using foreign workers where American UNIONS are, called the JONES ACT. During Katarina Bush suspended the law so those ships could help with the cleanup. But OBAMA, being a UNION lapdog, will not suspend that law.

So people are out of jobs all along the coast, marshes are RUINED, wetlands RUINED, loc al economies RUINED all for UNIONS, and all by OBAMA.

This whole catastrophe could have been avoided by OBAMA but he helps the UNIONS, not AMERICA.


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