Close but no cigar...
What you just described was MMA, not JKD, so what's the difference? The syllabus. You said that JKD has no syllabus. That's where you were led astray. If that were the case, then everyone would be JKD practitioners. The fact is, it doesn't matter what they call it. JKD is JKD, plain and simple. The reason those JKD instructors are in fact JKD instructors is because they all teach the same syllabus. Nobody made it up. Bruce Lee created it before he passed away. It's that very syllabus that makes it authentic JKD, as opposed to just a philosophy or MMA system.
- Tao of Chinese Gung Fu
- Jun Fan Gung Fu
- Jeet Kune Do
Bruce Lee had three schools (all three were known as the Jun Fan Gung Fu institute). Each school had a different syllabus. However, as Bruce Lee evolved and created Jeet Kune Do, he told all of his previous students from other schools to discard the old syllabi and adopt the new JKD syllabus. JKD therefore was being practiced at the Jun Fan Gung Fu institute. However, and let me stress this very carefully, Jun Fan Gung Fu is "not" the same as Jeet Kune Do, but rather they are two different styles of the same martial art.
As far as I know, Bruce Lee only ever issued JKD certificates to 3 of his students before doing away with the ranking system entirely. Those student's names are Taky Kimura, Dan Inosanto and Ted Wong, and all three of them were given the same JKD syllabus before Bruce Lee passed away. Again, I'm not an expert on JKD, so I apologize if some of my information isn't entirely 100% accurate. But from just my memory alone, I think it's fairly accurate. I'll let the JKD experts do the rest.