Two Time KIKS Martial Arts Grand Champion


2nd Black Belt
I have been training in Martial Arts for about two years now, and I was Grand Champion 2004 ages 14-17 boys, and I have partisipated in about ten tournaments, five each year. At the End of each of these years KIKS (the orginization which hold the tournaments) sets up a banquet for the best Martiall Artists, with the highest scores, and RSVP's them. To my suprise I was invited back again this year, I asked my Sensei if he knew about it, and he said, "I went up there the other day on my way home from work, just curious about how you did...I looked and looked and looked for your name, until I finally looked at the top....Grand Champion ages 18-34 mens Divison."

This year was a little more difficult for me, because I started college and a new job which is third shift...Is it was a little more difficult, but I go, do my best and hope to come out on top...Soon I should have new pictures of me and my Two Grand Champion trophies, and I'll be sure to post them here...
Congrats to you Sin, just be sure to represent KY proudly.
Maybe as a spectator, but not to compete. Where is it going to be at, if I can I'll attend
I belive at Hester's...I won't be able to go this year....I have started conditioning religiously here the past couple of I'll be ready next year...and or ready for the tourny at hester's in march
Thanks to everyone who has given me a pat on the back and a kind word on my achivement this past year....Now that its a new year I plan on working my hardest to get it agian for 2006...I should have a picture soon...maybe this Saturday...Who knows...But your kind words make the drive to do better in my training to go into over drive...Sometimes a little affirmation is enough to make someone want to keep training...And this is what I encourage everyone to do at there own Martial Arts classes...Tell someone when the did a good job...Maybe they're not as good as the should be or something to that extent, but whenever a feat is accomplished, or improvment is shown, give them a pat on the back, and a kind word, and I garentee they will be back for more training...hence making the arts better.

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