exactly my friend, the okinawan weapons were the creations of the common farmer, as a means of defense against bandits. the bo staff would be found as a tool to carry supplies, it was held behind the neck resting on the shouldes, at each end would be tied supplies mostly water. when under attack it proved a perfect striking weapon, allowing the farmer to keep his distance from his attacker while defending his property. the sai were used by the farmer, it was drug through the soil , another farmer walking behind would plant seeds in the trench made by the sai. the farmer would carry three sai with him, the thrid pair hidden in his back. this sai would be used to throw at his attacker usually on horse back. the chinese weapons to me are the most beautiful to watch and the most difficult to learn. the koreans had threre share in the history of weapons, the sword gum do. a proud korean weapon which took skill and percision to master the cuts. the fan was also populiar in korean history. lets not forget hapkidos cane. women also played a big part in koreas history. women were often used to protect royalty, for they were the perfect deversion, no one expected them to be body guards. they were highly skilled in various forms of weapons including throwing knives. TANG SOO!!!!!!!!