trust kick vs slap kick


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Some time back I was discusing the way I would rather prefer to trow a kick with one of my students, for me a trust kick is better than a snap kick. When I kick I like to put all my weight and momentum on that kick that's why I rather prefer torso kicks like the front kick, the side kick and the back kick, even doing roundhouse kick I like to follow tru that kick I mean chop the guy in two (literally speaking) with my mid level (torso) roundhouse kick.

Which one do you prefer and why?

Some time back I was discusing the way I would rather prefer to trow a kick with one of my students, for me a trust kick is better than a snap kick. When I kick I like to put all my weight and momentum on that kick that's why I rather prefer torso kicks like the front kick, the side kick and the back kick, even doing roundhouse kick I like to follow tru that kick I mean chop the guy in two (literally speaking) with my mid level (torso) roundhouse kick.

Which one do you prefer and why?

You probably could do with editing the title to "thrust" kick and "snap" kick. I only came in this thread because I was curious was a trust kick or a slap kick was...

To answer your question though, I don't particularly have a preference. I like back kicks and I like turning kicks (roundhouse kicks). I'm not a fan of side kicks (too slow for sparring).
I have no preference. You should have both in your toolbox.

In theory, they do different types of damage. Snap kicks and strikes are supposed to produced that hydrostatic shock power. For a while in my youth I focused exclusively on striking this way precisely because I wanted to be able to damage internal organs and such.

Of course, I never got the opportunity to prove the concept for myself. :mst:
You probably could do with editing the title to "thrust" kick and "snap" kick. I only came in this thread because I was curious was a trust kick or a slap kick was...

To answer your question though, I don't particularly have a preference. I like back kicks and I like turning kicks (roundhouse kicks). I'm not a fan of side kicks (too slow for sparring).

Sorry, you know english is not my mother languaje so I make a lot of mistakes but you are right is Thrust kick vs snap kick.

Thank you.

I agree you need both in your arsenal and it's hard to say one is better or preferable to the other because they serve such drastically different purposes. It's like saying to a mechanic: "Do you prefer screw drivers or wrenches?". So personally, I like to try to keep things as balanced in this regard as possible.
Sorry, you know english is not my mother languaje so I make a lot of mistakes but you are right is Thrust kick vs snap kick.

Thank you.

I know it's not your first language (but your English is better than my Spanish by a million miles) and I tend to read your threads generally because I like you, just in this case you might get more reads/replies if the title is clearer.
The trust kick makes the receiver work much harder blocking it, whether tournament or street. Slap or snap kicks are much faster, and could go unnoticed in a tournament, but will drop someone in the street like a bad habit.
Depending on the situation, I like both. Anyone who has practiced enough can control any kick with students or masters.