True or False

I think it would be great, if you could do this. But I'll say false, till when it works like a kick to the head, that seems to always work, even with wiggling toes and speaking in tounges.
LOL, I dont believe any of that stuff, but you know assuming that would work, I think it would still be ineffective, it would take way too much time, look how long it took that one guy to get it not to work, I d stick to kicking and punching but that is just me. But I what I could not help to think was imagine if in one of these videos, as they are trying this no touch knock out, the video goes black for like three seconds, you all of a sudden hear a loud bang and when the picture returns the chemist is on the floor with a bloody nose or a black eye and the other guy is yelling omg it worked see I told you it would work. So much for skepticism.
It doesn't matter if what Goerge Dillman says about the tongue and toes. What matters is that the no touch **** never works in a dojo unless done on Dillman cult members and NEVER works in the street so why waste time and money learning it. He is a master of marketing, that is it.


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-Mike Slosek
-MT Super Moderator-
One day, Dillman is going to track us all down by our ISP addresses and kill us with his pinky finger...

ahh but he would have to train us all how to fall down and die first... or I suppose he could just wait a long time and take credit.

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