Combat KI

I wonder how well it works. Say let them get prepared for you to punch them in the throat and then kick them in the fellas. I wonder how well it works then. :rofl:

Actually I understand that kind of thing the best way to beat these "tricks."

By the By, I won't call em FRAUDS... but they were falsely claiming what they were teaching was Bujinkan. Might still be for all I know.
Listen I have trained with these guys on and off for 8-10 yrs here South Bend most are a good group of guys and I have been able to hit them very very hard. They train with all out punches. I am not a member of Juko Kai the people that I know in it are pretty good martial artist. I have also been hit by thier Leader he hits like a freight train I was soar for weeks. I have trained in iron palm and have conditioned my body so. Not all of there dojo do the combat kai thing I would incourage you folks to check it out.
Jon, you are absolutely right. The head guy in South Bend does hit like a freight train, and is a pretty good jujitsu practioner. He has some really good and respectful students as well. I think his rank is a bit on the inflated side, but that really isn't his fault. Nice guy and fun to work out with, I just don't want any of my money to get to the head of the Juko-Kai.

I think that early warning system works even for those of us with no Qi Gomg training..In the dozens of encounters that led to arrests I always seemed to know when the suspect/subject decided to fight instead of going peacefully..Maybe I'm just good at body language...

Yep you can just feel when that is going to happen. That has always been the case when I have had to arrest someone as well.

The big issue people have with Juko Kai is the leader of their organization. I am sure that they have some very nice people within their group and some good martial artists. However it is the claims that are hard to swallow at times.
Yep you can just feel when that is going to happen. That has always been the case when I have had to arrest someone as well.

The big issue people have with Juko Kai is the leader of their organization. I am sure that they have some very nice people within their group and some good martial artists. However it is the claims that are hard to swallow at times.
I agree; there are times when the combination of practice, experience, and alertness add up to "knowing" something will happen. And I definitely believe that you can feel intention and emotions radiating from others; I think everyone's been in a room somewhere and had it light up when someone very happy walked in, for example.

My issue with Juko Kai is a simple one... Why? I don't see how their testing process shows me a USEFUL skill, and it seems to me a recipe for a disaster. I think a statement someone once made to me (many, many years ago) about the Society for Creative Anachronisms is pretty fitting... "No one has been rude enough to die during one of their events... yet." (No, I don't know if it's true, and I am not making any personal comments on SCA.)

On top of that -- I just wonder why so many people seem to feel the need to reinvent the wheel, name it after themselves, and shove things together in their own way...
I would like someone to sneak up behind one of these guys before class and kick them in the nuts from behind and see if their onion bag is all chied up. I'm doubting it. I'm sure they have some good stuff but this chi type biz is just a dog n pony show. Dillman and his clowns did this stuff 20 years ago.


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