Trouble explaining the lifestyle to friends and fam?

I don't talk about MS to anyone other than other Martial Artists. Some of my family know I have been doing it for years but there is little to no conversation about it. My wife has told her entire family I am martial arts crazy (and they are all from China) but I'm ok with all this. I do martial arts and I am happy about it, don't care much what others think...but I did get my youngest into it ;)
...Have you ever heard them either assume it's all about violence or merely a niche hobby?
I am happy if they understand it as "merely a niche hobby" and give me time for that without much trouble. They will not understand much, anyway. :)

"All about violence" is a label I don't like. I just like the ART of training. It could be gardening or music...
I am happy if they understand it as "merely a niche hobby" and give me time for that without much trouble. They will not understand much, anyway. :)

"All about violence" is a label I don't like. I just like the ART of training. It could be gardening or music...

Why can't it be both? Art of violence.
People today don't care too much. Seems like everyone knows somebody who does Martial Arts.
Most of the people around when I started are dead now. So they don't care much either. :)

I think the more difficult explanation might be why you stopped.
People today don't care too much. Seems like everyone knows somebody who does Martial Arts.
Most of the people around when I started are dead now. So they don't care much either. :)


To paraphrase Muhammad Ali...You're a bad man....remind me to never train with you if that is how you treat the people you started with :D


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I do and it has gotten to the point where I don't even try anymore. Most think it is just a hobby and a thing "I haven't grown out of." Some say I have an unhealthy obsession with it but honestly who are they to judge me?

I think they have an unhealthy obsession with watching television all day long and binge drinking, and pill popping but hey, that's none of my business.
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I mean, doesn't everybody do bo kata in the backyard in a snowstorm?


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