Well I was out in town at the weekend with some friends and the conversation turned to MA. Now one of my firends who I have known for about 4 years told me that he used to do kick boxing when he was younger and wants to challenge me to see how he fairs up against Wing Chun.
I have never heard him mention doing any sort of art before so it may have been just words from the alcohol but I have accepted his challenge under the condition he wears body protection and face guard etc.
My question is has any of your friends challenged you and what was your response? or what would your response be if this was asked of you?
This is probably the #1 reason why I try to be careful who I talk to about my training. The less people know, the better, IMO. Why? Because of the very things that you said in your post. In no way am I ashamed of training, but its the following that drive me nuts:
Is Kenpo like (insert any other art here)?
The Bruce Lee imitations.
Asked if I can do what you see (insert any famous martial artist here) do?
Asked if I could beat them in a fight.
Thats just a small example. Usually when I'm asked by a non MA friend, if I could beat them in a fight, I usually say, "No, you'd probably kick my ***." and then I change the conversation. That usually is enough, as the look on their face is one of being shocked, because they were intending to hear me say something else.
I have no problems with talking about the arts to anyone...as long as they're serious about the discussion. Problem is, is that the majority of people, are clueless when it comes to the arts, thus the reason why they see something and assume its all the same. I've had many in-depth chats with people, and have given small demos of the arts I do, and the differences between what I do and some of the other arts out there.
Whats really funny is the number of UFC fans that I work with. Many nights at work, we'll turn on Spike, TUF, UFC Unleashed, WEC, etc, and watch it. Interestingly enough, I never hear any of the above mentioned comments when that stuff is on. Go figure. LOL.