TRIGONDO - new martial art against multiple attackers. NEW NEW

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"Always" is an interesting word.... In the real world, "always" can usually be proven wrong.... it only takes one instance to prove "always" wrong. I will say that in the real world, the attackers usually will not wait their turn, they usually will not engage one at a time, waiting to see how their buddy does before they jump in and they usually will attack from behind... as shown in your video.... they came up with that phrase "sucker punch" for a reason.

When training for a real multiple attacker situation, you need to move beyond attackers that wait their turn, and don't attack from behind... Movies, Trigondo and your video very much showed the attackers waiting their turn and not attacking from behind, even when they could have, because the defender turned their back to an attacker.

Choreographed or not, the Marine video showed attackers not waiting their turn, and attacking from behind. This is more realistic, even if you go with "it is more realistic choreography."

I am not sure why you are so adamant, that this was choreography, and that Gonzaga would win... Gonzaga trains for a sporting match, that is one on one with no weapons. That is a different game. If someone stabs you with a knife, bayonet or machete... your UFC record is not going to save you. The corrections that the Marines offered him were not about his fighting skill or prowess or ability to defeat any one of them in a UFC match. The corrections were about not dancing around like you are sparring, but go kill one, now. Taking a hill in military combat is very different than fighting a sporting match, and requires a different mindset.

Gonzaga is from the 'hood of Rio; you think he doesn't know street survival?

And dude, the Marines don't even use bayonets any longer. You're getting stuff from movies now.

UFC guys are not invincible:

Well, maybe Gonzaga is... but he would be the only one. The rest of us mere mortals are vincible.

You clearly don't know what happened in this video. This was BJ Penn, drunk and fighting with someone that was an acquaintance. He was letting the guy punching him in the face to show that they guy couldn't KO him. He obviously was really drunk. After that Penn took him down and could've have killed him easy. It was just some dumb drunken fight that you're trying to use as an end to all claim that UFC fighters only train for sports, blah blah. What about Mike Tyson? You think Tyson doesn't know how to fight in the streets since he's a Sports Fighter?
So, this is getting silly. We will have to agree to disagree here.

I don't believe that real multiple attacker situations involve the attackers waiting their turn, watching as you handle one of their buddies and don't attack from the rear, as they did in your video. As long as you feel that your video shows a realistic multiple attacker situation... maybe you should start or continue your training in Trigondo... you and the founder seem to have the same view as to how a real world multiple attacker situation plays out. I hope you enjoy the training and get fulfillment out of it.

Gonzaga is from the 'hood of Rio; you think he doesn't know street survival?
Dude, I am from the 'hood of Durham California... I know street survival, and what a real world multiple attacker situation is...
Prove this, otherwise it's made up.
Yes you are right. When a group of people decide to jump someone, they are generally polite enough to take turns. I mean. Manners right? Plus it wouldn't be nice to not give the guy a fair chance.
Your commentary was about the entire video that I posted as a whole, complaining.

In post #128, you said: "That's still two people going easy on someone. Her first response was followed by her turning her back on one of them, and he stood and waited."

That's why I asked you to clarify, that she sucked.

C'mon, you can answer this one now since Women's Day is over (lol i'm just playing).
Which was a commentary on…wait for it…the person who waited while her back was turned.

What, exactly, are you hoping to gain by repeatedly asking me to say she sucks? Hmmm?
Gonzaga is from the 'hood of Rio; you think he doesn't know street survival?

Da $+R33+ - is the realz dealz

Let me ask a few questions and before I begin, for the answer is Yes to the same questions?
Have you been shot at? (* Never been shot - pure luck - closest went between my legs *)
Have you been stabbed?
Have you been cut?
Have you been tazed?
Have you been hit by a car?
Have you and four others gone through a plate glass window?

The list of weapons goes on and on just let me list some highlights
Baseball Bats, wood and aluminum, Golf Clubs, cricket, screw drivers, ...

So I know / knew them streets. It doesn't matter here.

Also those Streets were Flint Michigan when the city was known for being the Murder Capital of the US.

And dude, the Marines don't even use bayonets any longer. You're getting stuff from movies now.

DUDE ! The British have used the Bayonet in Afghan !
Whoa !

You clearly don't know what happened in this video. This was BJ Penn, drunk and fighting with someone that was an acquaintance. He was letting the guy punching him in the face to show that they guy couldn't KO him. He obviously was really drunk. After that Penn took him down and could've have killed him easy. It was just some dumb drunken fight that you're trying to use as an end to all claim that UFC fighters only train for sports, blah blah. What about Mike Tyson? You think Tyson doesn't know how to fight in the streets since he's a Sports Fighter?

Clear You seem to be an expert, that wants to tell people how it is, without any discussion and just simple appeals to authority.

"Have a Nice Day"
Da $+R33+ - is the realz dealz

Let me ask a few questions and before I begin, for the answer is Yes to the same questions?
Have you been shot at? (* Never been shot - pure luck - closest went between my legs *)
Have you been stabbed?
Have you been cut?
Have you been tazed?
Have you been hit by a car?
Have you and four others gone through a plate glass window?

The list of weapons goes on and on just let me list some highlights
Baseball Bats, wood and aluminum, Golf Clubs, cricket, screw drivers, ...

So I know / knew them streets. It doesn't matter here.

Also those Streets were Flint Michigan when the city was known for being the Murder Capital of the US.

That's so sad. I'm sorry that you were a victim so many times. May I suggest, more training next time and/or getting a better job in order to move to a better place.

DUDE ! The British have used the Bayonet in Afghan !
Whoa !

LOL, you searched hard for "Marines using bayonets" & only found this one about the British, right? Next, you'll post the full story that you found on Google about how that ONE time that British soldier was able to fend off an attack with his bayonet.

Back to what I was talking about, which were the US Marines. No bayonets. Doh.

Clear You seem to be an expert, that wants to tell people how it is, without any discussion and just simple appeals to authority.

"Have a Nice Day"

Why are you mad? I merely explained what happened to BJ Penn in that video based on news accounts to disprove the other guy's assertions.
Yes you are right. When a group of people decide to jump someone, they are generally polite enough to take turns. I mean. Manners right? Plus it wouldn't be nice to not give the guy a fair chance.

He posted a percentage number of 99. Shouldn't he be required to prove this if he's using it as an argument?
So, this is getting silly. We will have to agree to disagree here.

I don't believe that real multiple attacker situations involve the attackers waiting their turn, watching as you handle one of their buddies and don't attack from the rear, as they did in your video. As long as you feel that your video shows a realistic multiple attacker situation... maybe you should start or continue your training in Trigondo... you and the founder seem to have the same view as to how a real world multiple attacker situation plays out. I hope you enjoy the training and get fulfillment out of it.

LOL, when you start with "We will have to agree to disagree here", but then proceed with another lengthy argument, then you're not really agreeing to disagree.

But it sounds like you missed my memo about that video I posted; as I was only referring to the White guy's performance being good. While the other 2 were newer at that stage of sparring vs. multiple attackers.

Dude, I am from the 'hood of Durham California... I know street survival, and what a real world multiple attacker situation is...

You had me at "hood of Durham California", LOL. That is, until you made your "real world multiple attacker situation" doctrine.
You, in holding it up as an example of realistic multi-attacker defense, when a very unrealistic attack sequence happened in the first few seconds.

Again, I meant only what the White guy was successful; but again, mostly due to the other 2 being more fearful of him.

What's more realistic about my video is that people are actually getting hit and not choreographed like the Marines vs UFC vid.
That's so sad. I'm sorry that you were a victim so many times. May I suggest, more training next time and/or getting a better job in order to move to a better place.

In all those cases, I won. And it was the best paying job for me at the time and it helped pay for College and a BS Degree work as an engineer. ;)o_O

LOL, you searched hard for "Marines using bayonets" & only found this one about the British, right? Next, you'll post the full story that you found on Google about how that ONE time that British soldier was able to fend off an attack with his bayonet.

Back to what I was talking about, which were the US Marines. No bayonets. Doh.

Well as pointed out Always and Never just almost always never work well in these types of discussions.

Why are you mad? I merely explained what happened to BJ Penn in that video based on news accounts to disprove the other guy's assertions.

Not Mad - Just reflecting
If you see anger then the anger is from you.
In all those cases, I won. And it was the best paying job for me at the time and it helped pay for College and a BS Degree work as an engineer. ;)o_O

Well as pointed out Always and Never just almost always never work well in these types of discussions.

Not Mad - Just reflecting
If you see anger then the anger is from you.

You still live in Michigan.

I'm glad you're training, Trigondo though. :p
Slide1 (2).JPG
Sorry, I meant to stay away from this thread...

And dude, the Marines don't even use bayonets any longer. You're getting stuff from movies now.

LOL, you searched hard for "Marines using bayonets" & only found this one about the British, right? Next, you'll post the full story that you found on Google about how that ONE time that British soldier was able to fend off an attack with his bayonet.

Back to what I was talking about, which were the US Marines. No bayonets. Doh.
Interestingly, if you watch the whole video, or just cut to the 2:10 in the video you will see the Marines training with... you guessed it, bayonets.

If you go to 4:17, one of the weapons they can take is a bayonet trainer.

Then there is this at 2:23:

Interesting that someone would know the entire back story, and how it was choreographed, but not know that they were using bayonets...
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