Trekkies blast new Star Trek film as "fun, watchable"

Interesting that everyone rates captain, first officer and medical officer. That goes back to the wonderful chemistry among Shatner, Kelly and Nimoy. That ingredient has never been repeated exactly in any series.

There have been interesting relationships between various characters.

Data and LaForge in TNG
The doctor and the Cardassian (sp?) in DS9
Dax and the captain in DS9
The doctor and Tess in Voyager
Trip and Malcolm in Enterprise
T'Pal and Malcolm in Enterprise
Upon reflection also, Flox's character in Enterprise well off everyone

A couple of people found Jake (DS9) and Wesley Crusher (TNG) irritating. Voyager had the recurring character of Naomi Wildman, the half-human born during the voyage, whom I found unnecessary. I always thought there was a cuteness factor there. Maybe Picard was right -- children don't belong on a star ship.
I'm going to add my voice to the choir. I like all the series for different reasons. I just finished watching all of Enterprise through Netflix since I didn't have the chance when it was on. Most of the movies have merit, but I think there must be an age difference if you think any of the TNG movies compare to Wrath of Khan or Voyage Home. Also I think the degree of like for DS9 vs. other series is relative to how much you are into political intrigue. I love it, my wife...not so much. I love DS9, my wife...not so much.

Best Movie – Wrath of Khaaaaannnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Best series – DS9
Best Captain – Picard/Sisko
Best first Officer – Spock
Best Medical – Bashir
Best Engineer – O'Brien
Best Science officer – Data
Best Helmsman – Sulu
Best Security – Odo
Best Ship – Future Enterprise-D from 'All Good Things...'
Best villain – Hmmm....Lore/Gen. Chang/Jem' Hadar...maybe not just one.
Hottest Character – Ilia (Vger's avatar first movie), Jadzia Dax, 7, T'Pal
Most annoying character – Wesley Crusher FTW! But I gotta say Ezri Dax is right up there.
Interesting that everyone rates captain, first officer and medical officer. That goes back to the wonderful chemistry among Shatner, Kelly and Nimoy. That ingredient has never been repeated exactly in any series.
There have been interesting relationships between various characters.
Data and LaForge in TNG
The doctor and the Cardassian (sp?) in DS9
Dax and the captain in DS9
The doctor and Tess in Voyager
Trip and Malcolm in Enterprise
T'Pal and Malcolm in Enterprise
Upon reflection also, Flox's character in Enterprise well off everyone
A couple of people found Jake (DS9) and Wesley Crusher (TNG) irritating. Voyager had the recurring character of Naomi Wildman, the half-human born during the voyage, whom I found unnecessary. I always thought there was a cuteness factor there. Maybe Picard was right -- children don't belong on a star ship.

I hear you man. Some of those relationships are pure gold.
Odo and Quark - hilarious, I wait excitedly for their scenes
Bashir and O'Brien - The can't stand each other but they hang out every day
Elim Garak and everyone on DS9 - He just rubbed everyone the wrong way

I think one of my favorite characters of all time is the singularly bad *** and hilarious Worf. The dude is so hardcore it's like he's the bastard child of Genghis Khan and John Wayne. I love when he gets into "this is how I would have done it" speeches.

My buds and I always say "Gotta Worf up." When anything needs a high level of kick ***. Like when Hughes beat Gracie, we were screaming to Gracie "Worf up man" through the TV the whole time.
I hear you man. Some of those relationships are pure gold.
Odo and Quark - hilarious, I wait excitedly for their scenes
Bashir and O'Brien - The can't stand each other but they hang out every day
Elim Garak and everyone on DS9 - He just rubbed everyone the wrong way

I forgot about some of those. The Kirk/McCoy/Spock magic is gone -- that'll never come back, but an essential ingredient of Trek is to have these characters -- reflecting different values and agendas -- function in some fashion, even combatively.

What Enterprise pulled out of a hat was the affair between Trip and T'Pal. The sexual tension between them was so strong that even when they consumated their relationship, it didn't hurt the chemistry between the characters.
Maybe Picard was right -- children don't belong on a star ship.
He only maintained that position while still suffering from particularly bad case of the Gene Rodenberrys. Once, that cleared up, normal prudent, erudite service was resumed.

Beverly Crusher had that same Rodenberry attitude with Data initially.

I do not see the big issue with Wesley Crusher. Is it because of his age? I thought he was competent, naive ok, and but was he really that annoying??
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
My son seen the 10:45 show last night....he said it was a good movie, but not a good Star Trek movie.
I do not see the big issue with Wesley Crusher. Is it because of his age? I thought he was competent, naive ok, and but was he really that annoying??

I didn't despise his character as much as the hardcore Trekkers. Wil Wheaton had a rough ride in that role. He gave an interview where he talked about going to a convention where there was a discussion panel about the "Wesley Crusher Problem" and how to eliminate the character. He said he was approached by 'fans' who said, "I wish you would just die."
Saw it last night...and liked it. I'm from the first wave of trekkers (I don't distinguish between the 'ies' and the 'ers'), and thought it was a good, well rounded action movie. I even thought they put in too many 'nods' to the original series.

Star Trek keeps you young...I'll take it any way I can get it.
Question...first I am obviously old because I saw the first Star Trek when it was a new show, I was a little kid but I still saw it.

My question is what is the difference between a Trekkie and a Trekker
I am gonna have to agree with Suk here. I know it is blasphemy to trikkies, but i LOVED Voyager. I loved the ship, the doctor, the captain, the engineer, the premise, the whole nine yards.

Best Movie – ST II, the Wrath of Khan. None of the rest compare.

Best series
– Voyager

Best Captain
– Janeway (Kirk a little too slutty, Picard wasnt a fighter, Sisko grabbed that emmisary crap and ran with it too much, never got into Archer)

Best first Officer
– Spock or Chokotay, its a toss up. Riker was the token horn dog, i mean come on, he managed to hook up with a species that didnt even have a gender......Plus, you just KNOW Chokotay nailed Janeway when they were trapped on that planet with the monkey pox.

Best Medical
– The EMH. he sang, he painted, he saw 7 nekkid. he Wins.

Best Engineer
– B'leanna Torres. Just as smart as Scotty or LaForge, but she was willing to break noses to get **** done.

Best Science officer
– Spock

Best Helmsman
– Thomas Eugene Paris- He survived Klingon mating rituals. Thats gotta be tough enough. Plus, he buildt a HOT ROD and managed to nail the CAPTAIN, granted after they had turned into catfish, but still......I mean seriously, can you see Sulu nailing Kirk? wait, bad example.....

Best Security
– Odo-you cant beat a security guy that can go undercover as a potted plant.....

Best Ship
– Voyager, it could LAND dude.....

Best villain
– Q wasnt a villian, come on....The Krenim...They dont just kill you, they erase you from existance..

Hottest Character – Dealers Choice here. Blondes? 7 of frakkin 9 dudes. Redheads? Crusher. She was HAWT, total MILF Cougary goodness. Brunettes? Torres, Dax (either one) all the klingon ladies. Total babe buffet there. With Fangs...

Most annoying character – Wesley Crusher?? Jake Sisko?? pfffft, not even close. No One campres to the pic annoyingness of Harry "achey vagina" Kim.....No wonder he was still an Ensign after 7 years......
Question...first I am obviously old because I saw the first Star Trek when it was a new show, I was a little kid but I still saw it.

My question is what is the difference between a Trekkie and a Trekker

A Trekker is a nerd in denial. :rofl:
I'll sneak out and see the movie mid-week next week sometime when the crowds are down. My results are biased because I didn't see too much of Voyager and didn't own a TV when Enterprise was on.

Best Movie – Wrath of Khan - no contest

Best series – Deep Space 9, sure its a Babylon 5 wannabe, thats a good thing, it had these things called "story arcs" that lasted more than two episodes.

Best Captain – OK, I liked Sisco, alot, it was great to have Hawk as the captain of Starfleet, you don't mess with Hawk, but my favorite captain was Picard.

Best first Officer – Chakotay - solid, dependable, and not banging everything in sight.

Best Medical – Bashir - genius, conflicted, not a cardboard cutout.

Best Engineer – Scotty - the only miracle worker, everyone else were just technicians in comparison.

Best Science officer – Spock

Best Helmsman – Ro Laren - Sure she eventually joined the Maquis, but she was interesting, which is more than you can say for most of the conn officers.

Best Security – Odo

Best Ship – Defiant - it was the size of an Enterprise nacell and could dish it out, bare bones and utilitarian, no holodeck, no 10-forward, this is a gunship baby.

Best villain – Khan, not the most powerful, just had that attitude.

Hottest Character – Jadzia Dax - Now that was quite a symbiote, had the spots that went all the way down and quite literally knew what a guy wanted.... Yowza.

Most annoying character – Wesley Crusher, no need to say more.

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