I don't understand why she was told two months into joining the school to downgrade her belt. I am going to establish a comparison that may not be valid here, but let's just say: in the academic world (my profession) there is a well established system for recognizing a particular level of achievement on the part of a student, via her/his curriculum, number of courses/credits taken, grades, etc. This said, we all know that there are differences in the things people learn in different schools. However, we know that there is a core curriculum that everyone has gone through and for which they have received a certain grade, and even if the student arrives at a more prestigious university, we would never consider stripping her or him off the previous achievement in her/his academic career, whether they were achieved at a lower-ranking institution or not.
So my question is (and now this is more of an abstract reflection rather than my particular case): isn't it a little bit disrespectful to assume that (a) if the student is not "good enough" in our perspective, she/he must have "purchased" the degree, without first inquiring into how that degree was acquired? (i.e. what was the particular focus of that school? what points did that school emphasize? what aspects of that school's training most resemble those of our own school, and how does the student measure up in those common curricular tasks? etc. etc.) and (b) isn't asking the 9 year old two months into her practice in the new school to let go of her poom belt for a blue belt (no less!) somewhat whimsical? The girl earned her poom, period, and somehow I think that while there can be some leeway on the color belts and a color belt can have less trouble accepting letting go of her belt, I find it a little difficult to see how a person who has achieved black belt could not be a little offended at the assumption that she is not deserving of wearing her belt. So her kicking was not that good? Yeah, well: I am 28, and I know I can kick stronger and faster than some of the older BBs at our school, some of whom came from other schools. Let's say the principal focus on our school was how fast and strong you kick rather than technique (which is not the case, but just for this example): would that make them less deserving of wearing a BB, simply because a green belt can kick faster?