Trainning is killing my knees and elbow


White Belt
When throwing left jabs I extend my arm out entirely until my elbow locks, is this ok? After 30 min of training my elbow starts to hurt every time I throw a jab. I think its because my elbow locks so the sudden powerful jolt is damaging something.

Is this normal?

I am hitting air not a bag I will hit a bag during the day but when I am up at 2am I can only train by punching nothing. (bag makes way too much noise)
The way I was trained, you want to straighten your arm, but not lock the elbow - if you keep doing that, you're at risk for tendinitis, and could permanently damage your joint.

Punching at a bag can help keep you from locking your elbow completely (it hurts a lot more when you lock a joint totally and then hit a resisting surface, so most people leave just the tiniest bit unlocked so the joint will flex), so it probably is the air punching that is causing the problem. Try (slowly) extending your arm until it's completely locked, and then backing off 3-5% - when you're sure of the position, then try a regular speed punch, stopping at that position.

In the short term, alternate ice and heat, and take an anti-inflammatory; there's already some damage or it wouldn't hurt, but it should still heal fairly easily at this point, as long as you modify your technique so you don't reinjure it.
I second Kacey on this one. When punching the air if you totally straighten your arm when you're punching with power you risk hyper-extending the joint and this can cause a lot, and I mean a lot of pain. Trust me I'm speaking from my own experience here!
This is something your teacher should be addressing. It's very basic and one of the mistakes that instructors almost always warn you against.

As for the rest, ditto everyone else's advice. If you're going to hit hard hit the bag.
Happens occasionaly by accident and it bloody hurts!

Should have a bit of spring left in the elbow when you finish. If you can do this for half an hour without pain then I am impressed!
you should only extend about 95 percent of the way when you practice strikes in the air. full extension when practicing on the bag.
When throwing left jabs I extend my arm out entirely until my elbow locks, is this ok? After 30 min of training my elbow starts to hurt every time I throw a jab. I think its because my elbow locks so the sudden powerful jolt is damaging something.

Is this normal?

I am hitting air not a bag I will hit a bag during the day but when I am up at 2am I can only train by punching nothing. (bag makes way too much noise)

I'm in agreement with everyone else as well. Big difference between hitting the air and hitting a target.
Full extension doesn't mean extend to lock; it means extend straight, but not locked. Cavaet... this is the way I was taught. Someone may teach different.

If you lock your arm out, whether on a bag, a face, or in the air, you'll almost certainly hyperextend it a little bit. You'll also be more vulnerable to having it hurt by blocks, parries, or traps.

Run it by your instructor -- but I'd say DO NOT lock the elbow out!

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