Hurt my arm on the gyms hard bags


Black Belt
So i've been practicing strengthing my punches and wrists ever since i've posted this thread:

and i thought i'd try practicing on the heavy bag at the gym again. I enter the room and i see my trainer (K) training along with a partner (J) and another trainer (D) i know is watching in awe. so i go to D and he suggests that we start practicing on the bags and we show each other techniques and such. So i start hitting very lightly on the bag, keeping my wrist in check and notice that it's not bending back anymore. Excited, I start hitting a little harder and begin doing combos. Noticing that I'm handling this well, I hit even harder putting my hips into my punches.

Feeling very accomplished in my effort I go home and the next day I'm very sore but it's to be expected but the next day was KILLER. I woke up in pain and I realized that my right arm cannot straighten. It couldn't form anything other then an acute angle. My wrist and hand don't hurt but my bicep just above the crook of my elbow and the muscle just below the elbow is killing me.

Let's see; i went to the gym friday and it didn't hurt until sunday and it still hurts today which is now tuesday. Trying to figure out if i sprained it or pulled it or figure out what i did to it, i felt a small moveable lump in the crook of my elbow a little to the left. I have no idea what it is which is the reason why i'm going to have my doctor check it out. What really sucks though is that he is booked until the 5th of Jan. Grrr.

So i'm going to have to refrain from lifting weights or do arm training with my trainer until then. So that means legs, legs, legs. lol.

That Sucks.
There's a possibility that you're simple describing the effects of going too hard or doing too much. It's not at all uncommon for the second day after a workout to be the worst day as your muscles are healing from the stress you put them on.

But going to a doctor is the right thing to do, especially if you think that you're injured. I would think that the doctor has some provision for sudden injuries or illnesses, and this seems to qualify to me! Call his office, and explain that you're experiencing limited mobility... not just that you need an appointment to check something out.

And bring it up to your trainer, too.
I had a similar problem a couple of years back while working at Home Depot in the lumber/building materials department. We used to have to load concrete for 8 hours a day, back during the Katrina I think my arms had had enough one day.

I went to the doctor and he told me it was called bursitis, which is basically like Tennis Elbow...I had to keep my arm in a sling for a couple of days and keep ice on it...he also prescribed some medication that I can't remember what it was...I think it was an anti-inflamitory, but don't quote me on that.

Either way, go get it checked out, just in case.
I went to urgent care on new years eve and waited for about an hour before i got seen. So i told the doc about my arm and what i did and he gave me some hand excersies do try on him and he felt me arm and told me that i tweaked my tendon and it is slightly out of proportion. He told me that it should heal fine on it's own, to take some asprin, put ice on it, and stay away from punches for a while.

I still can't straigten it completely so he said if it doesn't get better by monday to come see him again.

Alright, I'll tell my trainer about it the next time i see him which im relucant to do because he'll either laugh (since he was there when i was punching the bags) or think i'm making excuses not to do arm excersies lol.

What's tennis...whatever? What did you get Brandon?
Fiendlover, I've been using heavy bags for over 30 years, you slowly break into it,only starting lightly and for a small amount of time when starting out. Increasing your striking power and time over several months. Also doing two knuckle pushups with your training.

You should start out on a 80lb bag. Your really don't need one bigger.
Stay away from sand filled bags.

Also its like lifting weights rest between days, one day hard next day work in speed and combinations.

Some people joints will not take the pounding, if soreness come on your joints after training you should find other methods to develop power. Or you will have problems down the road and possible injuries of joints.


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