Training weapons

Kittan Bachika

Purple Belt
Been lucky to have friend with training weapons like a wooden swords and shorts. Whenever they get new stuff, they pass it down to me.
Stuff like bokkens and eskrima sticks.

Thinking of buying my own stuff. Any particular brands anyone can recommend for wooden swords or eskrima sticks?
Is there something I should look for in quality? Am I just better off to go down to Chinatown and pick up stuff from the no frills
martial arts supply stores?
I make my own. But I sell them. Most of what you get in stores is cheap crap wood made cheaply, and has a bunch of filler. They can break in 1 or two good hits. PM me if you're interested.
What are you using them for? Are you actually training in methods of using the weapons in particular, or do you just like having them around, for whatever reason? Honestly, it sounds like the latter from this post, in which case what would quality do for you? If you're not learning to use them properly, it's all rather irrelevant, honestly.
For good quality rattan sticks I use:

If your training causes you to chew up sticks regularly you can learn to harden your own, but if you just need a couple a year KIL is the way to go.

Most of the stuff I have seen in martial arts stores, including those in the Seattle Chinatown are stripped of their skin and get chewed up by well hardened rattan.
Thanks for the responses.
I would like to do more weapons training but money is an issue but I
have been told I can go cheap but I'll be wasting money since the quality is not going
to be as good which some of you have just confirmed.
Thanks for the responses.
I would like to do more weapons training but money is an issue but I
have been told I can go cheap but I'll be wasting money since the quality is not going
to be as good which some of you have just confirmed.

That still kinda leaves a question: are you planning to start training in a system seriously? Or are you just gonna be playing around with your mates in the park?

If the first, your best bet is to ask the club's instructor where he gets his, and if the second, then getting good quality equipment would be a waste of your money anyway, as you would have no need of it.

Not trying to say that you have to go for one or the other, it's your time/money, but you'll be wasting both getting good stuff if you're not gonna use it for it's intended purpose. :)

Sanke on the move.