Training Uniform

Jujutsu: White dogi with the association patch on the right sleeve. Quite heavy duty cotton, as we do a lot of throws and grabs. The sensei wear a hakama. The senior sensei also wear a sleeveless black jacket over their white one. The examiner-level sensei get sleeves too. Makes them easy to tell apart, but when just teaching, they tend to only wear the dogi and hakama. The black jackets only seem to come out on special occasions.

Iaido: Standard keikogi and hakama. Black or white is preferred, though dark blue is also acceptable. Belt colours, sageo colours, saya colours, etc all seem to be left up to the student, though most iaido obi are only available in white, black or dark blue.
Black Heavyweight Gi's are the class uniform - for drills and forms and stuff most of us wear the pants, a t-shirt and our belts, but put on the tops when we move to self defense - t-shirts will get torn up pretty quick.

Once you get a blackbelt, you can wear whatever color uniform you want, but I think the black looks best. Plus we do a fair bit of training outdoors and on the ground, and black doesn't show the grass/mud stains as much.
Generally a full uniform, black in color and either a middlewt. to heavywt. depending on weather. If it's really hot, the gi top is optional since we have school t-shirts.

Speaking of uniforms, is anyone familiar with HSU brand of karate uniforms? I saw them on a website, and saw that they were reasonably priced, but at the sametime am wondering about their quality and durability. Dosen't hurt to have a spare laying around:) .

Any insight would be appreciated:asian: !
A traditional gi but in the hot months we can substitute the gi top for a club t-shirt.