Training Under Yip Man?

Iv always found it interesting that the 2 brothers wing chun is a bit different to each others, even the forms.

I agree. But I reckon that stipulation could also apply to everyone else(?). I mean, each Sifu, branch, etc adds/deletes/modifies what they know...or at least that is what I've heard.
Regardless, the Ip sons are far from being great. Which, is no big deal...but I have always thought that they, and those around them, have worked hard to manage public perception since they are the sons on Yip Man.
Just my opinion though...
I agree. But I reckon that stipulation could also apply to everyone else(?). I mean, each Sifu, branch, etc adds/deletes/modifies what they know...or at least that is what I've heard.
Regardless, the Ip sons are far from being great. Which, is no big deal...but I have always thought that they, and those around them, have worked hard to manage public perception since they are the sons on Yip Man.
Just my opinion though...

Yea that is a good point.

Just would think if the narrative of Ip teaching his sons the "true" wing chun because they were his sons was true that they would have the same wing chun. You dont get born and suddenly have good kung fu skills just because your dad learnt and developed his Kung fu to a high level, you would have to go through the same learning experience as him to get to that skill. Lots of people just assume they got the best stuff cause he was there dad.

At around 3 min some chi sao starts. It shows the same guy with both Ip ching and Chun. Its interesting to see how they chi sao quite differently aswell.

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